windows told me he didnt detect antivirus on my computer

I’m french. I apologize for my bad english…
i have a problem with the setting of comodo. once i install it, windows told me that it doesnt detect antivirus on my cumputer. someone could tell me what is the problem?

Hi and welcome,

At the moment Comodo Anti Virus is not supported by Windows. This may be added at a later date.


please tell me if my computer is protected or not?
do you mean that my computer is not protected?

Yes your computer is protected. It’s just Comodo antivirus does not report its status to windows security center which is why it says you do not have an antivirus installed.
Don’t worry, you are protected.


thank you very much mr Mike.

thank you for your appliance, this confort me a lot.


Your welcome, glad I could help.
