windows task scheduler is not working properly

I’ve just upgraded from to 2.2.127000.12. The previous version was working fine.

Since install, I have not been able to create scheduled jobs. It says the schedule could not be created…

When running the “Diagnose/Repair” I keep getting the following result:
Checking if restart is needed…
No restart needed… OK!
Verifying your windows version…
Windows 7
Windows version check OK!
Checking Synchronization service…
Synchronization service OK!
Checking CBU.exe integrity…
CBU.exe is OK!
Checking SynchronizationService.exe integrity…
SynchronizationService.exe is OK!
Checking ComodoCrashReport.exe integrity…
ComodoCrashReport.exe is OK!
Checking ShellExtension.dll integrity…
ShellExtension.dll is OK!
Checking cbufs.sys integrity…
cbufs.sys is ok!
Checking BDisk.sys integrity…
BDisk.sys is ok
Checking cbunat.exe integrity…
cbunat.exe is OK!
Checking if BDisk.sys is working properly…
BDisk.sys is working properly!
Checking if cbufs.sys is working properly…
cbufs.sys is working properly!
Checking windows task scheduler functionality…
windows task scheduler is not working properly!

Obvioulsy, I am having an issue with CB talking to the windows task scheduler. I have confirmed that task scheduler service is running, done the recommended re-install, run as administrator, etc. i can’t figure out how to make this work and haven’t found any similar issues in the forums.

All help appreciated!



Please follow these steps to help us determine what is the cause of this problem.

  1. Go to Windows → Run type "cmd.exe’ and hit Enter
  2. In cmd.exe window type “C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Comodo BackUp\CBU.exe /enabledebug”
  3. Repeat the diagnose process
  4. In cmd.exe window type “C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Comodo BackUp\CBU.exe /dumpdebugcontent”
  5. Collect the “Debug.cbu” file located in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Comodo BackUp” folder and post it here for analysis.


OK, I’ve followed the instructions and generated the file.

Attached is the debug.cbu file (inside a .zip).

Thanks for your response

[attachment deleted by admin]

I cannot see the result of the diagnose process in the debug analysis.
Are you sure you haven’t skipped step 3?


I am pretty sure I didn’t skip #3, but just in case, I’ve done it again. I did say “no” to when it asked me to re-install (I have said yes many times in the past).

Anyways, new version of the debug file attached.


[attachment deleted by admin]


I The steps should be:

  1. Go to Windows → Run type "cmd.exe’ and hit Enter
  2. In cmd.exe window type “C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Comodo BackUp\CBU.exe /enabledebug”
  3. Restart CBU.exe
  4. Repeat the diagnose process
  5. In cmd.exe window type “C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Comodo BackUp\CBU.exe /dumpdebugcontent”
  6. Collect the “Debug.cbu” file located in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Comodo BackUp” folder and post it here for analysis.

When you performed diagnostics, did you restart CBU.exe (3)?
Sorry, I missed to say this.


Sorry I had missed restarting CBU - I had left it running. I believe I have done it correctly this time.

The file is attached.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Thank you for the effort.
We found the cause of the problem.
CBU.exe is unable to determine current user name.
Can you please post a screenshot of “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Volatile Environment” key. It should look like my screenshot.
This will help us determine how to fix the problem.


[attachment deleted by admin]

OK. Here it is.

BTW, “Dave” is a standard user. DaveAdmin in the account with admin privileges.


[attachment deleted by admin]

So you have 2 users?
I assume you run CBU from “Dave” as administrator.
This means the current user from CBU perspective is “DaveAdmin”.
I guess the key named “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Volatile Environment” does not exist from CBU perspective, if “DaveAdmin” is not logged in.

We can verify this by performing diagnostics:

  1. when logged in as “Dave” and CBU runned as administrator
  2. when logged in as “DaveAdmin” and CBU runned as current user

Only in the last situation diagnostics should run successfully. Can you please confirm?



I normal operate in a standard account, (Dave) and “Run as Administrator” from that account, giving the admin credentials. DaveAdmin is normally not logged on.

When logged in as Dave, the problem occurs - even though the correct admin credentials are provided.
When logged in as DaveAdmin, the diagnostics pass successsfully.

Further, when logged in as Dave, but with DaveAdmin also still logged in the background, the diagnostics pass successfully.


We will fix this problem in the next release.


Did this problem ever get solved? I am running Comodo Backup 3.0.171317.133 on Windows 7 and having the same issue described by the original poster.

Yes, it should be fixed.
You can download the 4.0 version here:
