windows services


i would like to know what is the services required for proper internet connection. Although they are safe programs certified by comodo firewall, i have untick the box to show alerts certified by comodo. cause i need to know what are the program accessing the internet. i only what to enable them if they really need. i am currently using, BT, outlook, dreamweaver, nod32, outlook , pidgin, opera, firefox.

Do i need to allow this programs to in order for the programs that i am using need to work?


Thanks alot. (:SAD)

Hi freebird2003, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Of the three services you listed, only svchost.exe should need Internet access, see this post:

should svchost.exe be allowed internet access??

spoolsv.exe is your print spooler and I can’t think of a reason why it should be granted Internet access.

tlntsvr.exe is the Windows Telnet server service. Personally, if you don’t use Telnet, I’d disable the service from the Windows Services control panel. Tenet could pose a security threat.


spoolsv.exe is to be allowed to print over a network, block otherwise.