Windows sandbox doesn't start

Anyone have a problem with Windows Sandbox with 7036? I’m running Windows 10 18363.815. After installing CIS 7036, Windows Sandbox doesn’t start with a ‘Failure to start’ error. OTOH, if I run my no network Sandbox configuration (wsb file) which disables networking (Disable) then it starts. It happens on 2 of my computers. Reverting to 6882 and Windows Sandbox works with networking again.

I’m having the same problem with Windows Sandbox.
Frankly, I had not associated the occurrence of the issue with the update of Comodo Firewall to the current version Rather, I had believed that this depended on some cumulative Windows update.
Once I started Windows Sandbox I received the error message with code 0x80041002.
Among the various attempts, I went to activate the Windows Hyper-V component and, at this point, Windows Sandbox is back to work, however at startup Comodo Firewall detects each time a new network to be authorized.
I therefore contacted Microsoft technical support and it was reported to me that, since April 2020, Windows Sandbox has been working properly only by also relying on Hyper-V.
However, following the procedure HERE described to start Windows Sandbox without the network, there is no need to install the Hyper-V module as well.
The question remains: has the way of working of Windows Sandbox changed or does the version of Comodo Firewall interfere in some way? :-\

Please check with

I apologize for the extreme delay with which I respond in this discussion.
I am currently using the following configuration:

  • Windows 10 20H2 build 19042.804;
  • Comodo Firewall version;
  • in the “Firewall” section of the program I have enabled the option “Do not show popup alerts and treat location as - Public”;
    Microsoft’s Hyper-V module is enabled and I can launch Windows Sandbox (with the network) without any difficulty.
    Thanks for the attention.

Hi, this message to inform you that Comodo Internet Security or Comodo Firewall broke the Windows Sanbox once the program (Comodo) has been installed and PC was restarted.

The only way to use Windows Sandbox is to unistall Comodo Internet Security or Comodo Firewall.
You cannot exit completely and you cannot resolve if you don’t unistall the Comodo program.

I’m using Kaspersky Cloud Security - Free that miss the Firewall so I want use Comodo…
but Comodo broke the Windows Sandbox.

I need the Windows Sandbox because it has some functions that Comodo sandbox and Comodo virtual Desktop miss…
Kaspersky replace all website certificate with his certificate, only in Windows Sandobx with Firefox I can see the real website certificate… Or I need disable the certificate protection in Kaspersky.

In the future will be nice if Comodo can avoid to broken a Windows function.

Feedback sent also to Microsoft: The Windows Insider Program

Hi peopleinside,

Thanks for reporting, we have tested it. Its working without any issue. We will reach you through Private message to get required logs.

Did you take a look at this: Windows sandbox doesn’t start

This evening I launched my Windows Sandbox (with network) and suddenly it doesn’t start anymore with the error code I wrote in the other discussion. >:(

Log sent by private message.

markinson I’m happy to see I’m not the only one that has this issue and are reporting to Comodo.
I hope they can fix because I need the Windows Sandbox

Activate Hyper and restart resolve the sandbox start issue but just temporarly: after some other restart sandbox will be again broken even if you activate Hyper -v.

So maybe Comodo test sandbox without restart or try for more than one day… Sandbox of Windows are broken by Comodo Software.
Seems also the Comodo Firewall slow down my PC.

Hi peopleinside,

Thank you for providing the requested log. We have submitted the logs for investigation.

This issue is affecting me as well. Windows sandbox works when the networking is disabled but fails with an error when networking is enabled. I also can’t add a hyper-v vm with a network adapter. If I uninstall comodo firewall both work correctly. Are there any updates on when this issue will be fixed?

Fixed in