Windows positions


Comodo firewall do not remember windows position every time I reboot the system.

What is the problem?

Perhaps AutoSizer would help, if this is not a Comodo bug.

Sorry I don’t understand you…
What is AutoSizer?

The window appears different position every time :frowning:

If you do a search in google for autosizer, it’s the first item. It’s a separate free program.

Ah ok but i need this software for CF and other? No I think.
This is a little but noise bug…

Thx for reply MrBrian :wink:

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Comodo Firewall remembers the position of its windows from the last time they were displayed. This behavior is not a bug.

Not always sometimes it moves.

Always moves :wink:

Just tested again on my system. It only remembers for the duration of a session. If I close and reopen cfp.exe, it moves. :-TD

Confirm. Always moves to screen’s border upon reboot here.

Confirm, it would be nice to have this minor issue fixed…
