Windows Mobile Anti-Virus/security?

Hey guys
I just upgraded my cell phone to a Windows Mobile cell and I am trying to find a free or cheap security software for it.
Any suggestions?


Hi there

There are several on the market.
I believe they all have one these days, ESET, kaspersky, Avira, DrWeb, Some are even free if you use their regular anti virus so just have a look

Yea,I am thinking about using the Avast one Avast Store | Browse Products, Check Prices, Buy Now
What do you think?

Sounds a bit old to me. They are talking about WM5. But Avast is pretty ok


how about

And what do you mean “they are talking about WM5”?

I mean on the website of Avast they are talking about the fact that Avast Mobile supports windows mobile 5. That is really a very old product.
I wouldn’t go for airscanner but you could give it a go. Me personally would think it is too risky to give my personal telephoen, PDA to a unknown virus scanner

Yea,have to see what version my phone will have.
I am assuming it will be windows mobile version 6