Windows Installer at Startup [Merged Threads]

Every time I reboot my computer and Comodo starts up it triggers a window’s installer that is looking for a program destinations.msi to install -

I uninstalled 3 and went back to 2 everything worked fine - reinstalled 3 and the same is there

Windows Media Center 2002 SP 2
HP Pavilion , Intel Core 2 6400, 2 GB RAM
AVG, BOClean, WinPatrol, Secunia PSI beta running

What is causing the installer to run each time at boot up?

Thank you

Same is happening to me, except it happens when I open up other programs to, not just at boot up. Still trying to solve this issue… anyone else having this problem?

Sorry I couldn’t help.

Yes! For me it was: ScanSoft OmniPage is software that is part of Canon MP all-in-one printers (I think). Although the auto (to email) scanning function is working fine, I’m occasionally nagged about inserting the CD to install the software. Apparently the uninstall of v2.4 did something. If it continues I’ll mess with the updates and drivers at Canon, although I have all of the latest. UPDATE: I re-installed all drivers and software that is available from Canon and did an XP repair, through add/remove, of this software and which was successful, but I continue to be nagged at boot to install and then says I need the CD (which I’m reasonably sure does not exist). Any help or theories appreciated!

I’ve noticed there was a similar thread located here, but I think my problem is a bit different. So instead of hijacking that thread, I decided to make a new one.

So here’s the problem:

I uninstalled Comodo Firewall 2.4 successfully, rebooted, and went on to install v3. After rebooting again, a Windows Installer dialog pops up at start up saying something like “Configuring Installer…” My system would hang immediately. Upon checking Task Manager, I noticed cmdagent.exe is taking up 99% of the CPU resources. Sequentially loading programs will not load at all. (For example, after avast and Comodo finishes loading, Objectdock will usually loads afterwards. But with the hang, nothing else will load.) Killing the cmdagent.exe process will revert the system back to normal. Suddenly all other programs (such as Objectdock) loaded instantly.

I noticed the Windows Installer is configuring TI Connect (which is a program for graphing calculators.) I left everything as is, and uninstalled Comodo Firewall v3. After rebooting, the Windows Installer no longer appeared and the system loaded as usual.

Any help on resolving this issue would be appreciated.

I’m going to redownload Comodo 3.0 now and install it after restart to assure there are no other processes running of any 3rd party programs besides whats happening going on with windows. If worst comes to worst I will uninstall this SPSS stuff I have (refer to my post on this exact same issue, Perhaps they can be merged Mods?) and do it over again, but I’d hate to.

Anyone have any ideas?



At least in my case Defense+ is what was causing windows installer to want to install already installed programs (learned through installing firewall without defense+ in it). I ended up uninstalling what windows installer wanted me to install (the two spss programs) since I didn’t need them anyway.

My theory: I know for sure one of them was a corrupt install (since it wouldn’t uninstall right). Perhaps the other one was as well. Defense+ noticed this and informed windows to fix it? Maybe thought it was malware or something? Who knows, just the ramblings of a very excited person. In either case I have the firewall installed with default settings and its a dream come true for right now :slight_smile:


Indoda, how’s it going for you? Any luck?

Comodo people/people who know computers better than I do, feel free to chime in and let me know my theory is wrong. I’d still be interested in learning why this happened to begin with!


Have not reinstalled but I am wondering if my problems may have been caused by the XP firewall being enabled since I had assumed it was off. I’ve noticed a thread that 3.0 was not auto turning the XP firewall off.

Thanks for your input all of you - what I did was to download WINDOWS INSTALLER CLEAN UP UTILITY from MS (sorry lost the link in all the confusion) ran that and removed the entry regarding the msi that was causing trouble - seems to be connected to either a failed install or a corruption in the registry?? But then again after using MS since 1981 nothing surprises me any more (:AGY) If it works, which is does now, that’s all that matters. The program is part of an HP image viewer which I don’t use anyway!
Good luck with resolving your issues,

So I just installed v3 again and the same thing happened. Didn’t think to install without Defense+. My problem is, I believe I really need the ScanSoft OmniPage SE 4.0 for my Canon Multifunction Printer to scan. Also, when I was trying to resolve this issue, I had a really hard time finding any support for the program, however, I finally did find an upgrade download for Vista. Not even sure if I reinstall the whole program on XP it would and even if it did, Comodo may react the same way. So I guess I’ll wait a little longer before I try again since the hips is one of the great features of the new version. Back to XP Firewall rather than having to uninstall 2.4 later. I’m wired to a router (hardware firewall) and surf sanboxed anyway.

I believed my problem was solved for the time being. I disabled the “Protect registry keys” option in Defense + and after a reboot, my system seemed to run as usual. cmdagent.exe no longer runs at 99% and the Windows Installer dialog no longer appears. More details can be found HERE.

Hi guys, hi Cephari.

ComodoFW v3 is great, but i’ve a similar problem with Windows Installer (an installer box appears frequently and close quickly, but programs works fine and cmdagent.exe cpu usage is normal)
I can solve it only deleting this registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

“AppInit_DLLs”=" C:\WINDOWS\system32\guard32.dll"

Can this trick affect Comodo functionality?
Thank you :slight_smile:

In the past few years, I have experienced sporadic episodes of the Windows Installer dialogue appearing for unknown reasons. Fortunately, I kept a log of my troubleshooting efforts, and the link below may provide some useful insight to users and Comodo developers alike in resolving this issue:

MODERATORS: You may wish to merge this thread with this one at:

I will check the log created by the script on that link, thank you in advance :■■■■

Maybe i’ve found the problem, Microsoft XML Par$er:

Here’s the script log:

Here’s the EventID related to the Windows Installer dialogue appearing randomly:

Any ideas? (:TNG)

Thank you USSS! (:WAV)

I don’t have a solution for your specific issue. The Windows Installer on my system that is popping up always references Sonic’s (formerly Stomp) Backup MyPC. As I posted previously, I believe that CFP 3.0 “selects” the Windows MSI at random, depending on what happens to be installed on a user’s system.

The only workaround I can suggest is to uninstall, then reinstall the program referenced by the Windows Installer dialogue. That would be fairly easy in my case, but as for reinstalling the Windows XML Parser, I don’t know.

You might try running the Windows XP System File Checker (SFC), using the command “sfc /scannow” (without the quotes). You will need your Windows XP CD or access to the original system files on a network share. That might fix a “corrupt” XML Parser installation.

My own plan now is to simply hit “Cancel” each time the Installer dialogue pops up, and hope that Comodo fixes this bug along with the rest that have been reported in recent days.

Thank you for the reply, USSS :wink:

The Windows Installer dialogue appears randomly and quit by itself too fast, so i don’t need to hit Cancel when it pops up (:TNG)
I can’t see the program referenced by the dialogue window, it only says something like this: “Windows Installer is preparing the setup”.

I’ve checked the system with the s.f.c. with no results, but my Windows installation isn’t very clean, a format is required in any case :smiley:
I will wait for a Comodo update, if not… a Windows reinstall is coming ;D

Thank you very much :wink:

As you’ve probably read, some posters have reportedly resolved this problem by reinstalling the application(s) referenced in the MsiInstaller Event Viewer log entry(ies). Whether that will influence your decision to reinstall Windows, I don’t know. (I’ve done several “Repair” [in-place] installations of Windows that are easier and still clean up a lot of other unrelated issues.)

Have you analyzed any of the other “MsiInstaller” Warnings and Errors in the Event Viewer log that contain CLSID character strings and searched for them in the registry? I wonder if something else besides the XML Parser is the culprit.

I’m tempted to reinstall Backup MyPC (the source of my MSI window popups) that resides on my old 500 MHz desktop system because I don’t have this kind of behavior on my IBM ThinkPad T43, yet which suffers solely from the “100% CPU” usage malady. Go figure.

I have this same windows installer prob, I hope they fix it soon.