Windows Desktop (and Explorer) hangs up but other Programs still working


i have Comodo Firewall Pro installed on WinXP. I have a fresh install of winxp with SP2 and all up-to-date service fixes. As Antivirus-Software i have ESET NOD32 installed. I have Internet Connection through my Fritzbox Router and i’m loggend onto windows as admin. the windows firewall is disabled and i have no special rulez for blocking applications or network.

My Problem is that after some time (15min to 45min) of working with windows and some applications that have all the rulez to allowed my desktop hangs up and doesnt update the windows background and the taskbar is not updated anymore. But i have miranda and teamspeak running and responding. If i move an active application window the background is not updated and i have half the picture of the old position and the newly moved position with the responding and updated graphics. If i go to the taskbar and start a application through the shortcuts in the taskbar then windows will hang up completely in some (1-5) seconds.
In the Log window i dont find any advice since all log-entries have been resolved through allow rulez.

I have now deinstalled Comodo and activated the windows firewall and all works perfect since many hours of working.

Has someone the same Problem or can help me?

thanx in advice,

Your problem may be due to the logging carried out by the Firewall.

The easiest way around this is to make the log file itself read only - a useful discovery by Soya.

Log Files usually at: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Comodo\Personal Firewall\Logs

Right click the file and make it read only. This drastically reduces the drain on your system in most cases. Worked for me and many others.


hmm sounds strange for me

for what is it good to set the logfile readonly ? will the logfile added with new events or will logging stopped for now while file is readonly ?


when the file is read only the logs are not saved to the text file - you can still see the last few when you open the firewall to view them but they will not be written to the text file - this reduces use of resources.

It is not ideal if you want a record of logging but I think this will be fixed in version 3.

Give it a try and see if it works for you. If it does not you can always change the file back to how it was.


Just a thought, if you are using a router you should also use the trusted network wizard to create a trusted network for the router.


From an optimistic perspective, there really is no loss other than one minor annoyance:

Setting logs.log file to read-only does not prevent CFP from logging events; they’re still there if you open the Log window. If you need a record of the log you can always right-click in the window and export to an HTML file. The annoyance is that you’ll have to remember to do this before exiting CFP because the logs.log file only retains a copy of the log just before it was set to read-only. If you’re one of those people who never reboot or shutdown the computer, then there is no fear of losing the log other than a power outage or something related. Also, there is no substantial difference because CFP (for version 2.x at least) has a maximum size limit on the log. Once the limit has been reached, CFP will over-write logs.log with new events anyway.