Windows 10 privacy

I am new here, but have been using Comodo Firewall for some time now. Although I am somewhat of a power user, I am by NO means an expert.

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 Pro and really like it, but there has been much talk about the default privacy settings, and privacy in general. I don’t need every bell and whistle at the expense of privacy, but I also don’t want to lock down everything so that I don’t get Windows updates and security patches.

Some of the security things I do are use 3rd party programs for web and email (Mozilla), and also address book contacts and such to avoid total integration with Windows (besides I like some of these apps better anyway).

I run Comodo Firewall in “Custom Ruleset” mode and “Create rules for safe applications”.

My goal here is to get expert advice on being able to continue to keep my Windows clean, update, and keep as much privacy as possible.

Comodo Firewall gives these following Windows programs alerts that they are trying to access the internet. Can anyone that knows please address these programs and let us know if we should allow or block these and what are the implications of allowing or not.










I believe these request to access the internet are all from Windows. What are your expert opinions on each of these requests?
THANKS in advance!