Win7 x64/Comodo FW Observation/Annoyance

I’m on a one month old new pc with Win7 Home Premium x64 and Comodo FW with D+ enabled. Avast5 AV is my only other realtime SW. Up front, I want to say I’m having absolutely no problems at all running CIS on this pc. Nor have I experienced any problems with Avast5 (as many have had ;)). Here’s my problem. I went out onto my account with admin privileges to export my firewall configuration and Windows said I need to do this on mt Administrator account. Since I was on the administrator account for this pc, I figured OK, I need to shut off UAC from ALWAYS NOTIFY to OFF so I could accomplish this. But NOPE, it rendered the same message. I then thought, OK, I’ll take ownership of the Comodo folder and also grant the Administrators Group full Permissions on the folder. Windows still would not let me export the configuration. I have found the only way I can accomplish this simple Comodo maintenance task is to go to an “elevated” command prompt, turn on the hidden/built-in administrator account for Windows (net user administrator /active:yes) and then export the CIS config while on THAT account. Of course, I go right back in and disable the hidden account (net user administrator /active:no) as I read on another tech forum it’s risky to leave the account enabled all the time.

Seems like there has got to be an easier way to do this. Any thoughts? Am I just not going about it the correct way for Win7?

Go to the following link and read my replies there.

If it doesn’t work for you, tell use more details about your system.

Thank you for your reply Creasy. I read the thread you linked to. As I had installed my CIS in Safe Mode under my Admin account on this new pc to begin with, I’m pretty sure it was a clean install. I certainly hope UAC doesn’t function in Safe Mode. So I didn’t see a need to uninstall/reinstall. I ALWAYS install/uninstall in Safe Mode so absolutely NOTHING is impeding clean installs/uninstalls.

To cut to the crux of my report, I have just successfully exported my configuration on my Admin account! :slight_smile: What actually ending up working for me was what Bulgroz said in the very last post on page 2 of that thread. The one step I had not yet tried he recommended was to EXIT Comodo before reopening via Start menu right click to run Comodo as Administrator. So for me, I’m going to have to EXIT COMODO FIRST before doing this each time. This will be much easier than enabling/disabling the hidden Admin account. I can live with doing it this way. Thanks again for your help in directing me to that thread. Much appreciated.