Wildcards inside path

Can wildcards like “*” and “?” be used with CIS 6.0? Because i set a rule for “googleupdate.exe” with an asterisk, but it keeps asking for permissions.

The rule is set as an installer application with the following path: “C:\Documents and settings*\Local Settings\Appdata\Google\Chrome\GoogleUpdate\GoogleUpdate.exe”

You would have to make a File Group to use wildcards with v6 (as far as I can tell; this is not documented in any Help files but by searching the default installed application). You can use a File Group in any of the configurable sections of Comodo (AV, Firewall, HIPS, etc.) but you can only create a File Group in the HIPS section. Go to Advanced Settings > Defense+ > HIPS > File Protection and click on the ’ ^ ’ at the bottom of the window > select Groups. Again, click on the ’ ^ ’ at the bottom of the Manage File Groups window and click “Add > New Group”. Call this whatever you like and then add a file to it by right clicking on the new group and selecting Add > File(s); browse to the file you want to add and click OK / open. Right click on the newly added file location listed in the new group and select edit; this will bring up a manual text editing box and here you can enter wildcards. Once you get the group (with wildcards in the proper place) you can edit the rule you made and replace the string with the File Group.

Well, that is not ok or acceptable. I hope it´s a soon to be fixed bug because i have like 30 rules with wildcards. Staying with 5.12 for the moment.