Why offer products for free?

A New And Updated Post Has Been Posted Here By Melih (CEO)

Ok – so now you must be wondering – “What’s the catch? If these products beat comparable solutions from the “large” software companies - why offer them for free?”

Well we are offering them for free because, as a Certification Authority, our revenue comes from the online business community.

In fact, over the past seven years we’ve grown to become the world’s second largest Certificate Authority for high assurance SSL certificates with almost 300 employees around the world thanks, in large part, to the online business community. These businesses can only grow if consumers feel safe surfing and shopping online. Unfortunately, in today’s Internet environment, trust has eroded and so has online sales growth. We want to reverse that trend. The more people trust the security of the Internet the more they will shop online. The more consumers shop online – the more online businesses will be created. And there’ll be more products and services we can sell to these growing businesses. More transactions means more need for “Trust” and Comodo is the company who is “Creating Trust Online”.

That’s why we developed these products for free distribution. So you will never, ever have to pay for renewals, auto updates or subscription fees (and we mean ever)!

So try it out. If you like it spread the word. As a Certification Authority, Comodo has a special responsibility to help protect consumers on the Internet. But we can do better with your insight and intelligence. Your input will help us come up with more and more ideas to make every PC safer. Like you, we’re crazy about the net but not the fraudster nuts on it. And, so we’re developing top line products every day to counteract every trick (of theirs) in the book.

So join the good fight and help us make the Internet truly safe for all users – from Grandma to the Grand Duchess of Poznon - by participating with us in our development efforts with your creative ideas, concerns and observations. We know they’re valuable.

Melih Abdulhayoglu