why is comodo doing this?

I have the fireall(not the suite with av) and when i go to firewall settings in advanced settings, and go to check ‘‘do not show popup alerts’’ and then i switch it from ‘‘allow requests’’ to
block requests’’
it always switches back immediately to allow every time. ill change it to block, and it will go to block again. is this malware changing it? i just reformated my system…so i should be malware free.

btw comodo icedragon is sick! virtual mode is awesome, and i have it looking like firefox

Hi princetongrad24,
Maybe a simple question, but are you leaving the check-box ticked and certain to be selecting ‘OK’ to apply settings?


it happens before i can even select ok…i change it from allow to block, and immediately itll change back…sometimes ill go do something else, and go back and try again, and itll work.
the mouse will blink too…i reformatted my computer…so idk if it’s a hacker or not.

im also having a problem with comodo icedraon…i ran it in virtualmode and it is showing my same ip address…so i reinstalled it, and something weird happened where it didnt ask me if i wanted to connect to their dns servers(it asked me the first time, but not now)

Does the tick in the check-box remain or does that also disappear?