Why is Comodo connecting to internet on port 51833 ?

Couldn’t find any info on that …

cis.exe trying to connect to

screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/JJBHFLE

That IP belongs to DigitalOcean LLC

I found this old post where DigitalOcean is mentioned, related to PrivDog extension:

Do you have Comodo Internet Security Essentials installed?

That IP address is from the crash upload server, it uses FTP and this is the highport it’s connecting to.

ALERT! I was compromised because of this feature. It must be rectified immediately.

Hi mintmag,

Sorry for the inconvenience, may i know your:

  1. CIS/CFW version ?
  2. Win version along with system bit type ?
  3. What you did and what happened ?
  4. If you could reproduce the issue, kindly provide us the steps to reproduce ?
  5. Any other security software installed on your machine other than CIS/CFW ?
  6. Any related screenshot ?


No you were not stop spreading fear, there would be no possible way for you to get compromised by CIS sending crash dumps to comodo servers.