Why Global Rule Change

Hi folks,does anyone know why the default Global Rules have been changed in this latest build.Why is there no Block and Log there anymore?

Ps i was never in p2p mode

Nice 1 Matty

I asked this question here. No answer yet.


Quick update Al,replaced the Block and Log rule in “Global Rules” and all still seems fine.Saw your other post and still no response so i tried it.Also didn`t the ICMP(where echo request) used to be an allow rule?

Nice 1 Matty

Did you do a full install because it does not ask if you want to use p2p anymore so you do not get global rules set.
So I had to go to Stealth Port Wizard to get the rules set after install.

Hiya Dennis,ive always had the full install(d+ activated) and just went through the update procedure.Couldnt import old rules but thought no probs let it learn again.Looked at Global Rules and saw just the one which made me curious as i wasn`t asked about any config change.An official word on this would be nice, as at the moment im pretty sure ive got optimum security but cant see why the rule change!!

Sure it will come out in the wash


Just wondering if pending files was changed for the same reason?

Not sure Dennis but i just ran the Stealth Ports Wizard and all the rules came back(chose the bottom option)
Looks like the default is now the p2p option for Global Rules
Nice 1 Matty

Oops just noticed what I put in my first post in topic changed to correct one Stealth Ports Wizard.
Thanks Matty

Good catch. I wish process changes like this would be be documented and not left as an exercise to the user to find out for himself.
