Which freeware Anti-Spyware is compatible with Comodo Firewall?

what is the best anti-spyware to run with Comodo Firewall?

i just got a new computer, so very soon i will be dumping my pre-installed McAfee to switch to Comodo firewall.

my husband has switched from Zone Alarm Firewall to Comodo. but the anti-spyware “spyware terminator” keeps raising flags that its blocking Comodo.

thanks! laurie

i’m running superantispyware free edition with CPF3, works great. :wink: Spyware Terminator should be ok to though. Exclude CPF from Spyware Terminator if Spy Terminator flags it. Cheers. :wink:

Hi lolly

Welcome to the Comodo Forum

I am using CAVS which stands for Comodo Anti Virus and Anti Spyware. It is in beta right now but the final version is expected out soon, this month I hope. Although I cannot promise it will be available that soon I know it will be one of the finest AV/AS products available when it comes out. Watch for it on the forums here and on the Comodo.com home page.

In the meantime you could add Comodo BOClean to your computer as it prevents all sorts of baddies from wreaking havoc on your machine. It is available here.

Both of these work flawlessly with Comodo Firewall CFP-3. Make sure you have the latest version of CFP-3 from here.

If we can be more help to you let us know.


Spyware Terminator works without any issues, so far, on a WinXP system.
If you want an anti-virus as well, there is the Avira Antivir, freeware as well, which is supposed to be amongst the best on the market


hmm… I have AVG Spyware (free) Superantispyware (free, Spyware Terminator(free) A-squared (Free), and CAVS beta 2 (free) And No Conflicts nor Problems


Any should be. I myself used Spyware Terminator (with CFP v2) and am still using BOClean.

I highly recommend SAS Pro :slight_smile: It’s awesome! But yes… Spyware Terminator is an excellent free one too!