Which CIS UI Theme You Like the Most ?

where are the UIs for voting?

Hi WinBMY,
Advanced Settings>General Settings>User Interface>Themes.
Themes-Comodo Help

Kind regards.

to be beautiful and easy to use

I’ve never really looked at the different themes since switching requires a restart of the firewall.
I usually just set it to Classic when I’m setting up a new instance b/c I want it to look as normal & plain as possible.

I don’t like it when software tries to pop out and look different just for the sake of looking different. I want all the controls act normal, be in the usual places, and look the usual way. Min/Max/Restore buttons in the top right, a pull down File menu w/ an “Exit” option under it, a Help menu with an “About” option under it, etc. No controls that remain invisible until you accidentally hover a mouse somewhere. Some apps pull off a radically different look with some benefits, but it seems rare to me. Mostly apps going this route just look bloated. They take up more space than they need to with extra curves and such, the controls aren’t where I expect them to be, and the normal keyboard shortcuts don’t work.

How about some screenshots for reference? Screenshots are from Comodo Firewall in Advanced View.

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I use the modern theme, but I’d like to have a black or dark theme, something like this:

I use modern. Also outside Windows 8.

Thank you very much Sanya :slight_smile: :-TU

I voted for modern too,

But the UI that Jon79 linked looks really nice, easy UI to move around in and easy to reach any under menu settings without having to “think twice”, just add the current cis 8,2 compact mode/advanced interface to the main page and it will have a great look.

I noticed that the screenshots are on the second page, if you want to you can attach them to your first post so they are more easily visible for those still voting… Of course you may prefer CIS screenshots instead, those I don’t have.

I really don’t care but I personally like classic a lot

Please make the compact wiew under Defence+ section in settings, as suggested here

Hello yigido,

Could you please create a wish report for this as well? Thanks in advance for your effort !

Kind Regards

Hello @BuketB,

Please join my wish request with your votes, dear Comodo lovers :-TU Thank you
Compact View for Menu Interfaces

I choose modern theme, I find the overly bevel and embossed looks to be a waste of space and in some parts distracting. Modern also seems to response faster on my machine.

Thank you again :-TU

Hey Everybody,

I’ve attached the screenshots for the themes for you to easily check. We’re waiting for your votes! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much.

Kind Regards

Tile theme is my favorite.

Theme: I like Flat Tile Theme :-TU

View: I love Advanced View :-TU

Language: Persian :wink:

And everything is OK , Thank you COMODO :-TU

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I like the Modern Theme (the default on cis 8.2 but why dont you try to bring back the cis 5 theme modernized a little bit? that would be the most apretiated choice for everyone, i guess. atleast for me it will the only one used…

edit.: please, add an option on the poll “none. I want something else” or “none. I want cis 5 theme back”.

Ill not vote this time because I want cis 5 theme with some tweaks and modernized icons only. nothing more.