Where to download?

I just browsed through the main website again, and cannot find the link to the TrustToolBar info page or download… is it still available? or did VE replace it?


Go to www.trusttoolbar.com You can install the plugin from here :wink:



As you still may be able to download it I think that VE has completely replaced it.

Ah, if VE replaced it than that’s fine. Just didn’t want to miss anything ;D

Actually you can still download TTB.

Is this product end of life?

  1. When can I use TrustToolbar with non-Internet Explorer browsers?
    Non-Internet Explorer versions of TrustToolbar are under development by the TrustToolbar development team. A release schedule will be posted on the TrustToolbar website in the next few months.

the current version is coming to the end of its life…

we have some interesting ideas… but nothing concrete yet though…
