Where is the user guide for CIS 5?

I have downloaded a Comodo Internet Security User Guide, but it says that it is for version 4.

Isn’t the current version of CIS, 5?

Where is the user guide for the current version? I can’t seem to find it.

Thank you.

Hey and Welcome!

open CIS. CIS —> More —> help.


Here is the help: Comodo Help
You can select version (and program). You can also download it as pdf. :slight_smile:

I liked the time when the User Guide was implemented in CIS.
Any chances it will come back ?

I also like that. Why not provide the Help into 2 formats? One in the web. If the user have it, And other into a simple document in CIS?

Yes, help files shouldn’t be subject to users internet connectivity.

That’s why I did that propose.

Thank you JoWa.

To anyone who wants a direct link to the PDF download, it is here - http://help.comodo.com/uploads/helpers/Comodo%20Internet%20Security%202011%20User%20Guide.pdf

Thanks for the direct link! :-TU