Where is Comodo Dragon for Linux and Android?


I heard of the Comodo Dragon browser and wanted to give it a try. I was surprised to see that there is no Linux version nor Android as well. So, can’t put it in my laptop or in my phone… Very disappointing. I see a chance here for Comodo to draw concerned and unsatisfied Chrome users.

So, no Linux, Mac, Android, iOS support? That seems pretty narrow to me. I don’t use Windows so I guess I can forget about the Dragon browser…

Just my thoughts. I hope Comodo will push toward other platforms in the near future.

hi Tar-Nu,

I completely agree. There should be a real opensource-version of Comodo Dragon also for Ubuntu, ubuntu-based systems, Mageia and Fedora!! This is overdue!!

I would also like to give it a try, if there was a Comodo Dragon also for these OSs.

Thank you.
