when am I connected?

When I put the cursor over the Trust Connect icon, it shows that I am connected. I want to double-check that while connected to Trust Connect:

  1. All my browser activity in Firefox is gong through Trust Connect over an encrypted conntection.

  2. The email using yahoo email is in the Trust Connect tunnel, as well as email from the stand-alone Pegasus email program that I send and recieve is also in that Trust Connect vpn tunnel.

  3. And whie connected to Trust Connect, any files I ftp to my server using FileZilla are also encrypted, as well as the password and username to my servers that is sent through FileZilla. All is in the Trust Connect VPN tunnel

Is all of this correct.


Yes all your connections between your computer and our servers are encrypted.

You may check your IP address after log in to TrustConnect: http://www.ip2location.com/
You should see one of these addreses (our servers): us1.vpn.comodo.com us2.vpn.comodo.com

If it’s true you are successfully connected to TrustConnect and your traffic goes via VPN tunnel.

I login to trustconnect and check my ip address on http://www.ip2location.com/ and it says which is correct accourding to you said above.

The only thing is that : on trustconnect Windows Instructions, it says :

“After successful authentication of your user-name and password, the tray icon will turn yellow to indicate that you are successfully connected to TrustConnect”

But mine icon stays green color, although it says connected when mouse over.

Below is the connection log :

Mon Mar 09 01:06:29 2009 OpenVPN 2.1_rc4 Win32-MinGW [SSL] [LZO2] built on Apr 25 2007
Mon Mar 09 01:06:32 2009 LZO compression initialized
Mon Mar 09 01:06:32 2009 Attempting to establish TCP connection with
Mon Mar 09 01:06:32 2009 TCP connection established with
Mon Mar 09 01:06:32 2009 TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef]
Mon Mar 09 01:06:32 2009 TCPv4_CLIENT link remote:
Mon Mar 09 01:06:39 2009 [ComodoVPNS-1] Peer Connection Initiated with
Mon Mar 09 01:06:41 2009 TAP-WIN32 device [Local Area Connection 2] opened: \.\Global{D6A5572C-BD34-46FB-A42C-03F68EA02AAD}.tap
Mon Mar 09 01:06:41 2009 Notified TAP-Win32 driver to set a DHCP IP/netmask of on interface {D6A5572C-BD34-46FB-A42C-03F68EA02AAD} [DHCP-serv:, lease-time: 31536000]
Mon Mar 09 01:06:41 2009 Successful ARP Flush on interface [3] {D6A5572C-BD34-46FB-A42C-03F68EA02AAD}
Mon Mar 09 01:06:46 2009 ROUTE: route addition failed using CreateIpForwardEntry: The parameter is incorrect. [status=87 if_index=393221]
Mon Mar 09 01:06:46 2009 Initialization Sequence Completed

It’s only documentation error. Should be so:
“After successful authentication of your user-name and password, the tray icon will turn GREEN to indicate that you are successfully connected to TrustConnect”

Slightly !ot!: Would love to seen a Automatic connect when you try and connect to an unsecure network.