What's Wrong With This Picture? - Comodo Has To Change

Does Comodo have a PR/Marketing department to help promote their software? If so, then I personally don’t get it where some small project like SRware Iron has more publicity and is more widely known then Dragon.

Granted you can go to the search engines and see that Dragon is listed all over the place, this isn’t what I’m talking about.

What I’m saying is, Dragon isn’t as widely discussed out there when you compare it to Iron.

Now this is just the Wiki, but look, here’s the idea, where’s Dragon? It’s just one small example, but to me, everything needs to count, especially as popular as Wiki is, there’s no excuse Dragon isn’t there, everything helps and everything counts.

The truth is Dragon is getting left out in many places across the web and because of this it doesn’t have the same popularity and recognition that Iron has and for as big of a company as Comodo, that makes me wonder, what the heck is going on?

Let’s look at cnet now for Dragon:

Only a little over thirty thousand downloads.

Let’s look at cnet now for Iron:

Only a little over eight thousand downloads.

This difference between Iron and Dragon on cnet is not very big, especially when you consider the size of Comodo over the Iron project, that’s a really sad figure difference. :frowning:

But now, let’s turn this around to a different browser project to show and explain something different here to try and make you see this from a different angle.

Let’s look at cnet now for K-Meleon

Now this is a gecko based browser and CD webkit, but it’s not the point, because to the average user it’s all Chinese and they don’t care, they just want what works.

So my point, why is such a smaller project also, K-Meleon getting more downloads? Because it gets back to what I’ve been saying all along, Dragon just isn’t as well known. And for the size also of the K-Meleon project compared to Comodo, again there is no excuse for this, that two smaller browser projects can out do a big business project like this.

So what’s the problem here, honestly, since I’ve used Dragon I would say it’s more to do with the PR/Marketing of this company not working very well, to get Dragon better known to users and the lag in versions. Of course everyone has their own likes and dislikes, so you always have to play a balancing game. But I honestly can’t believe that the software is so disliked that it does this bad.

There is one thing I do see that is really hurting Dragon and it has to change, it’s to late in bringing out the latest version of Chrome. Chrome is on 7x already stable and Dragon beta testing 6x. Well to the general public out there, they are asking why and they typically look at this lag as bad. So Comodo has to convince the end-users why this is and how it’s in their best interest, because right now, this is one big sore in the side that has to be resolved and maybe this is why Dragon has always suffered.

So what I’ve shown here is just a small picture and it’s even bigger out there and it’s hurting Dragon and that shouldn’t be the case with a company as big as Comodo.

P.S. These are not the ramblings of someone that doesn’t know. I’m an IT Tech that has been involved in computing since 1986.

I agree. :-TU

[b]There is one thing I do see that is really hurting Dragon and it has to change, it's to late in bringing out the latest version of Chrome. Chrome is on 7x already stable and Dragon beta testing 6x. [/b]Well to the general public out there, they are asking why and they typically look at this lag as bad. S[b]o Comodo has to convince the end-users why this is and how it's in their best interest,[/b] because right now, this is one big sore in the side that has to be resolved and maybe this is why Dragon has always suffered.

And I absolutely agree on this one especially the ones in bold. The Chromium (the one Chrome is based on for those who are still a wee bit confused) project is already on version 9. I wouldn’t be surprised if Google releases Chrome 8 any time soon.

Well the thing is, real updates when it makes improvements, in this case for Dragon which would be about security and privacy, then yes it needs to happen. But if the updates are merely fluff, nice toys, features, options, etc., well that’s going to have to come at Comodo’s discretion.

Either way, when it’s just updates for extra added goodies, no project should step in and not pursue that path, Why?, because everyone has different tastes and likes and by not going forward you’re leaving out people that are going to be looking for these, so it’s not a wise move.

Also if you don’t come forward and make it really clear on the website for Dragon why you are keeping a few versions behind, people are going to look at it like you don’t have the ability to keep up, in short, meaning your development is not good to stay up with the latest updates.