What's this! Defense+ completely silent for GIMP [SOLVED]

Hi all,

I encountered a weird behavior from Defense+

win XP SP3
CFW 5.9.219863.2196
Defense+ in paranoid mode

I downloaded Windows version of GIMP 2.6.11 and installed it. Defense+ din’t popup at all during install, nothing. I launched GIMP, copy, modify,… images still not a peep from Defense+!

What could explain this? Any enlightenment would be welcome.



do you have defense+ option enabled “create rules for safe applications”?


Defense+ is in parano mode and alerts me usually for everything happening when I haven’t made a rule. But for GIMP nada, no alert at all, it can be installed and do everything on my computer without Defense+ noticing it.

What I suspect is that GIMP being initially a linux application, his system file for Windows is different from the usual system file. Namely, the exe’s are in a bin folder. Of course, I’m not at all sure that this is the good explanation.

But if it is the explanation, then I deduce, maybe wrongly, that a malware put in a bin folder would also be invisible for Defense+.

As EricJH suggested me to do in the Bug section, I imported a clean version of the Proactive Security from the Comodo installation folder and Defense+ behaves normally with the install and running of GIMP. My proactive configuration got somehow corrupted tough without signs that it was before the GIMP thing.