What's being uploaded?

Self-explanatory topic. Screenshot…


Hey and warm welcome to comodo forum!

go to CIS → defense+ → view d+ event → more.

Valentin N

Hello, what exactly should I be looking for?

to see what was send; I assume you wanted to know what’s being uploaded. I have forgotten where to see what’s send (mini backout sorry).

Valentin N

Oh I see… the files were submitted to Comodo for analysis. Now let’s disable that.

By the way you find which file where submitted by going to CIS → d+ → unrecognized files → Submitted files.

disable the cloud scanner by going to CIS → d+ → d+ settings → Execution Control Settings → unmark the 3th and 4th option.

Valentin N

Naughty, naughty Comodo. Hiding the options, disabling the manual controls if autoupload activated, then silently uploading my files. Comodo Wooden Horse Premium. ;D

actually most AV’s upload files to their servers, only comodo shows you that they have. Most you don’t even know they have uploaded things.

Does MSE also ask you if you could send certain files to their labs?

Valentin N

You would have to see if they have something listed. I do know that avast and norton does. When you install you will see it checked to participate in the community, that means uploading files that could be threats. You have to opt out not to do that.

While I understand the reasoning behind the default setup, I as a user would prefer having a Cloudmode On/Off switch in Summary, which is turned Off by default.

Anyway thanks for the replies, problem resolved. Locking it to prevent hijacking.