What "services" are required for CPF to run? Want to disable unneeded srvcs.

Was wondering which services are required for CPF to run because I want to harden my system a bit more and want to disable unneeded services running. Does anyone know which services not to touch to keep CPF running?

As far as I know there are two:

  • cmdagent.exe
  • cpf.exe

Both are required. You can start cpf.exe without cmdagent.exe, but you won’t have any protection then. You should also know that even while you seemingly cannot prevent cmdagent.exe from loading automatically, you can change that if you only want to turn on the firewall when you go online:

In the registry, search for cmdagent.exe. In the services section, there should be an entry called “Start” which value is 2. Change that to 3 and restart. You can now activate the Comodo Application Agent manually in the XP Services menu. This makes most sense if you deactivate auto-loading of cpf.exe on startup, too, of course. If you don’t go online immediately after booting, you can save some resources this way. Before you login, just activate the Application Service and afterwards start cpf.exe.

Also, if you come across the drivers:

Comodo Application Engine and Comodo Network Engine, you need to leave those alone as well…