What is Trojan.agent.bjg?

I just scanned my computer with AVG anti-spyware and it found trojan.agent.bjg. I quarantined it but I am wondering if this was dangerous and how come Boclean did not catchit?

Any ideas?

The only reason I can think of (other than the definition for this trojan isn’t incluided in BOCleans DB) is that the trojan had never tried to go active. BOClean works when something is trying to load its image into memory, and until it tries this, BOClean does nothing, whereas AVG is a file scanner and checks the contents of the file system, rather than the contents of memory.

Ewen :-0

You may also submit the file to Comodo for analysis and possible inclusion to the list. First, though, I would check the list (right-click systray icon for menu and select"Covered Malware" to see if this is already listed.

If it’s not, you can submit according to this post:


Just leave the subject line as something like “not detected” or “for analysis.”


Thank you both for the replies, much appreciated.

Searching it with Google gives only a few hits, so it seems to be new. Submittting the file is a good idea :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.


I kinda deleted the file. Can I still report the name of it so that they can check it out? Maybe they are aware of it.