What is kemschool24?

I’ve had so much trouble with CIS of late.

A blue screen after an update, upon restart cis did not and would not start.
Uninstalled it and downloaded and installed latest version.
The agent would not start, uninstalled again and found much stuff left in the registry.
Sifted through it and removed everything related to comodo.

Installed again, installed and updated properly.

Some of the things I found while cleaning the registry were odd looking like COMODO_MONEY_1 or similar, just odd stuff and I had to jump through hoops to delete the keys.

Anyway, I was searching the web for some of the things I found, and happened upon a website, well a subdomain of kemschool24.ruhttp://comodo.kemschool24.ru/” which appears to have all manner of comodo files in its pages.

What is this site and what does it have to do with comodo?


The school has no affiliation with Comodo. The files are likely an initiative from a person on that school to serve a limited group of people.

Comodo money is a way of rewarding people to stimulate others to use and give them a reward for that: https://friends.comodo.com/ .

Thank you for answer.