What is a Updater Client?

:frowning: What causes my Pc to send me this message : Updater Client has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem.

It comes on for about 30 seconds and disappears. It looks like a Msn Box message. Is this a Virus or Just a Msn alert ? I have tried everything to shut it off but it always comes back. I have a new gateway computer, which i purchased last month so I have no idea what I did to deserve that message.


How can I get rid of a message that popps up on my Pc all the time. It says: Updater Client has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem. What kind of problem is that? I just purchased my PC a month ago. It is a desktop Gateway.

Hi ruby1999,

Welcome to the forum

How do you think the problem is related to Comodo products you are using?

How we (anybody) can give you an answer when we know nothing neither about your system environment (OS/platform/security in place/ etc.)

When the event occur ?

Please be more descriptive & provide that info, plus the precise message (you can even post an image) so the users and developers can see where it’s coming from… and so on

That may or may not relate to “Comodo”

It could be some sort of notification by the System itself and/or the message can come from some preinstalled Software … should we guess all possible scenarios ? :wink:

My regards