What happens to emails you report as spam?

Just wondered, as the blacklists you can impoart from comodo don’t seem to grow.

Not that this is very important to CAS operation, indeed arguably you should not use blacklist very much if at all.

Best wishes




It seems nobody actually knows 88)


What is unknown may not exist…

Mouse :slight_smile:

Comodo is getting so much spam reports from you that their computer crashed ;D (or they clicked a link 88))


As far as I remember, emails you report to spam are sent to comodo who then notifies the domain host of the spammer and the details of teh email without disclosing your own details, of course.

I read or heard that somewhere ages ago.

That would be a good policy!

More sensible than addding unreliable data to black lists!


That woukld be the 1982 IBM PC they also use to run the forums - would it? :wink:
