What Firefox extensions do you use?

Okay, the title says it all…


  • DownThemAll
  • FlashGot
  • NoScript
  • PageAnimation (hacked to run in
  • QuickRestart
  • AdBlock Plus
  • Evernote Web Clipper

Okay, since you asked…

Verification Engine



I use:

-Adblock Plus
-Download Statusbar
-Verification Engine

I saw that. I had forgotten the other was a browser thread in general, so I searched it up to point pepoluan back that way.

I do change some from time to time.


The extension that I use :
Cookie Manager Button
Download Manager Tweak
Download Sort
Download StatusBar
PDF Download
Permit Cookies
Tabbrowser Preferences


Generated: Sat Apr 21 2007 17:40:05 GMT+1100
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/
Build ID: 2007030919

Enabled Extensions: [30]

Installed Themes: [1]

Installed Plugins: (13)

  • DRM Netscape Network Object
  • Microsoft® DRM:
    DRM Store Netscape Plugin
  • Mozilla Default Plug-in:
    QuickTime Plug-in 7.0.4:
    RealPlayer Version Plugin:
    RealPlayer™ G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit) :
    RealPlayer™ LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
  • Shockwave Flash 9.0 r28
  • VLC multimedia plugin:
    Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library:


Enabled Extensions: [57]

Disabled Extensions: [4]

Total Extensions: 61

Installed Themes: [4]

Installed Plugins: (13)

  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Java™ Platform SE 6 U1
  • Microsoft Office 2003
  • Microsoft® DRM
  • Mozilla Default Plug-in
  • QuickTime Plug-in 7.1.5
  • RealPlayer Version Plugin
  • RealPlayer™ G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
  • Shockwave Flash
  • VLC Multimedia Plugin
  • Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
  • Yahoo Application State Plugin
  • Yahoo! activeX Plug-in Bridge



gibran, you’ve just dethroned toggie as the extension king…

Generated: Tue Apr 24 2007 15:46:11 GMT+0200
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/
Build ID: 2007030919

Enabled Extensions: [31]

I have to say it. Firefox is my 2nd choice so I use it 20 time less than opera.
So I haven’t had the time to clean my list as there are similiar addons.

Thunderbird instead is my 1st choice mail client.

+1. Wow. That’s a crazy list, whether updated or not… 88)


;D You know I wish for plugins in Comodo apps too…

Enabled Extensions: [45]

Disabled Extensions: [14]

Total Extensions: 59

Installed Themes: [4]

Installed Plugins: (13)

  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Java™ Platform SE 6 U1
  • Microsoft Office 2003
  • Microsoft® DRM
  • Mozilla Default Plug-in
  • QuickTime Plug-in 7.1.5
  • RealPlayer Version Plugin
  • RealPlayer™ G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
  • Shockwave Flash
  • VLC Multimedia Plugin
  • Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
  • Yahoo Application State Plugin
  • Yahoo! activeX Plug-in Bridge

Generated: Wed Apr 25 2007
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/

Enabled Extensions: [34]

Installed Themes: [1]

Installed Plugins: (9)

  • Java™ Platform SE 6
  • Mozilla Default Plug-in
  • QuickTime Plug-in 7.1.5
  • RealPlayer Version Plugin
  • RealPlayer™ G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
  • Shockwave Flash
  • VLC Multimedia Plugin
  • VLC multimedia plugin
  • WindizUpdate Plug-in

Folks, I think we have a new “champeen”! gordon has surpassed gibran by another quarter-page…

well, he has more extensions than I do …
just forgot to adjust the detail-level of the MrTech list, that’s all (:TNG)

(:CLP) LoL, you people must have lots or RAM to spare; agree that MrTech is a must.
Just a newbie advice: use profiles to load different extensions; you almost never use more than 4-5 extensions in one FF session.

LOL, I almost never use more than 4 or 5, period!

LOL I only posted the details from my main profile, I have three different profiles (:NRD)

gaby wrote

oL, you people must have lots or RAM to spare; agree that MrTech is a must. Just a newbie advice: use profiles to load different extensions; you almost never use more than 4-5 extensions in one FF session.

I’ve never really experienced an issue with RAM although I know a lot of people have. I think the highest memory peak I have ever seen on my main profile was with 30+ extensions installed and something like 40 tabs open. The peak working size then got to about 90Mb

I agree with your statement regarding profiles. I currently use three, although I could probably use more.

My main profile - used for everyday surfing
My Dev profile - used for all things programming
My firefox 3 profile - used for testing nightly builds


My meager little list. And thx to this thread I discovered Mr Tech Local Install extention. :wink:

Generated: Tue Apr 24 2007 15:49:55 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/
Build ID: 2007030919

Enabled Extensions: [24]

Disabled Extensions: [3]

Total Extensions: 27

Installed Themes: [2]

Installed Plugins: (13)

  • Adobe Acrobat
  • IE Tab Plug-in
  • Java™ Platform SE 6 U1
  • Microsoft® DRM
  • MoveNetworks Quantum Media Player
  • Mozilla ActiveX control and plugin support
  • Mozilla Default Plug-in
  • QuickTime Plug-in 7.1
  • RealPlayer Version Plugin
  • RealPlayer™ G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
  • Shockwave Flash
  • Shockwave for Director
  • Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library


Continuing the CookieSafe discussion from this thread


True, LA, there is a difference between CS & NS as you say. Where they are similar is that you can add those Exceptions as you go, much more easily than directly interfacing with FF (for the cookies, that is). You don't have to go thru Tools/Options/Privacy or wherever, just click an icon and select what you want.

For example, if I click CS icon right now, these are my options:

Deny Cookies Globally
Permanently Block Comodo.com
Allow Comodo.com
Allow Comodo.com for session
Temporarily allow Comodo.com

If I right-click, I can access global options, Help/Support, view cookies, view exceptions, view cookies for the site, clear any of these, and import/export lists.