what COMODO miss to be perfect

hi all,
i have some ideas or you can call it “requests” to develop COMODO and make it more perfect security package than it is.

The look

We like how COMODO looks now but it has been a long time since this theme was not changed, so my opinion is to change the complete look of COMODO security products, not only the colors but the whole look which will give a nice add to this beautiful software.

Antivirus “scanner”
COMODO team did a real great job in the performance of the Antivirus scanner specially in its speed, but as most security suits the antivirus scanner lacks the ability to remove the ad-wares nicely, so i think we need a real work on this point >:-D

COMODO Firewall is perfect but i have a small thing that i like to be added on it ie; in the “Define a New Blocked Application” option we miss the ability to restore back a blocked application in the same window like the “My Blocked Files” in the Defense + , that will be nice :wink:

Defense +
COMODO Defense + is so so so nice :o but it needs only two things to be perfect,

  1. Defense + method is not working because it shows a boring warning notifications on everything, either the program is known or unknown “malicious” it will ask you what to do >:( , which will make most users to switch to the “installation mode” whenever they want to install a software and make the Malicious Softwares simply install and do its job and some may turn off the Defense + completely to install something.

I think the solution is:
a. Remove the “Switch to Installation mode” and “Treat as Installer or Updater” options.
b. Create a white list of the known safe application, what i mean is if i come and want to install a safe application like CCleaner, Defense + should not disturb me with a lot of notifications unless if the program is connecting to the internet or using “svchost” to connect to the internet or do a real bad thing.
c. block unknown programs automatically without asking what to do and simply show a notification saying that “Defense + has blocked a Malicious Software from doing … ;D”

New features

  1. Adding a parental control to control the web surfing
  2. adding a repairing options, i don’t mean cleaning temp files, registry etc… but an options to repair system items damaged by malwares like
  • default system services errors
  • task manager errors
  • the task bar errors
  • system start up items
  • explorer.exe errors etc etc etc etc…

this are my opinions and request which i want to be added on the COMODO products and i will be so happy to know your opinion on it.

waiting your replies

The upcoming v4 will have a new GUI and usability improvements. Current estimations expect a beta version in Dedember.

[b][u]Antivirus "scanner"[/u][/b] COMODO team did a real great job in the performance of the Antivirus scanner specially in its speed, but as most security suits the antivirus scanner lacks the ability to remove the ad-wares nicely, so i think we need a real work on this point >:-D
Comodo AV is young in this respect. v4 will also integrate (part of) Comodo Time Machine as a mean to that solution. CTM is currently in beta testing: https://forums.comodo.com/beta_corner_ctm-b179.0/ .
[b][u]Firewall[/u][/b] COMODO Firewall is perfect but i have a small thing that i like to be added on it ie; in the "Define a New Blocked Application" option we miss the ability to restore back a blocked application in the same window like the "My Blocked Files" in the Defense + , that will be nice ;)

Defense +
COMODO Defense + is so so so nice :o but it needs only two things to be perfect,

  1. Defense + method is not working because it shows a boring warning notifications on everything, either the program is known or unknown “malicious” it will ask you what to do >:( , which will make most users to switch to the “installation mode” whenever they want to install a software and make the Malicious Softwares simply install and do its job and some may turn off the Defense + completely to install something.

I think the solution is:
a. Remove the “Switch to Installation mode” and “Treat as Installer or Updater” options.

b. Create a white list of the known safe application, what i mean is if i come and want to install a safe application like CCleaner, Defense + should not disturb me with a lot of notifications unless if the program is connecting to the internet or using "svchost" to connect to the internet or do a real bad thing.
Since it is hard to keep up with all new versions, advanced users will have the program before it makes it to the list, I would say add as much Vendors with signed signatures to the My Trusted Software Vendors list.
c. block unknown programs automatically without asking what to do and simply show a notification saying that "Defense + has blocked a Malicious Software from doing ............ ;D"
You can already do that yourself: [url=https://forums.comodo.com/feedbackcommentsannouncementsnews_cis/how_to_achieve_max_security_with_zero_alerts-t44371.0.html]How To Achieve Max Security With ZERO Alerts![/url]
[b][u]New features[/u][/b] 1. Adding a parental control to control the web surfing
You mean the kind with blacklisted url's etc?
2. adding a repairing options, i don't mean cleaning temp files, registry etc.. but an options to repair system items damaged by malwares like - default system services errors - task manager errors - the task bar errors - system start up items - explorer.exe errors etc etc etc etc......
Comodo Time Machine may do that job.
this are my opinions and request which i want to be added on the COMODO products and i will be so happy to know your opinion on it.

waiting your replies

Thanks for sharing. :-TU

i’m sorry i was not knowing about the Comodo Time Machine but i will test it and participate in its section for developing.

about Defense +

what i meant was to change the behavior of Defense + for eg: even when you’re installing a software which has a trusted signature and listed in the “My Trusted Software Vendors list” Defense + will notify you with each step it’s installer is doing, so why this whole mess if the installer is trusted and anyway i’ll click allow>allow>allow …unless as i said it is doing a dangerous thing or behaving as a malware.
and also i don’t think it is that much hard to keep up with all new softwares versions because we need only the signature of different companies and that’s all and you may get help from different communities like remove-malware.com/forums etc…

yes if it is possible because that will be perfect

That is only true in Paranoid Mode of D+. In Safe Mode for example Firefox, with Mozilla in the My Trusted Software Vendors List, installs without any alert. It sounds like you made modifications to standard configurations or have a corrupted installation. What configuration are you running and how is D+ set on your system?

and also i don't think it is that much hard to keep up with all new softwares versions because we need only the signature of different companies and that's all and you may get help from different communities like remove-malware.com/forums etc.... yes if it is possible because that will be perfect
I thought you were referring to adding new versions to the white list, hence my reply. But we are talking about the same things it seems.

Defesne + Security Level = safe mode
rest is as Default

What version of CIS are you using? Look under Miscellaneous → About.

Did you update by using the program updater on one or more occasions?

Since I am suspecting there may be something wrong with your installation are you willing try importing a clean back up configuration for testing?

Here is the way to go. Go to Miscelaneous → Manage my configurations → IMport → navigate to the Comodo installation folder → import COMODO - Internet Security.cfg as COMODO - Internet Security New → activate COMODO - Internet Security New.

Now see if you get alerted for every step.

i’m using COMODO Internet Security Free Edition version: 3.12.111745.560
Virus Signature Database Version: 2451

about the method i’m not finding the specified file there is only .cfp is that what you mean

No reason to be sorry… Suggestions are always welcome! :-TU :-TU

In the installation folder of CIS, by default in :\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security, there should be four back up configuration profiles. Look at the attached picture for reference.

[attachment deleted by admin]

yea yea i got it now, due to some reason the extensions were hidden so that i didn’t found them before
but it’s OK know i’ll try it and see what happens,

but again there is one problem remaining which is strange, i cannot update any COMODO product CIS, System-Cleaner and i can’t register Easy VPN instant messenger!!!
OS - I’m using windows xp sp2
other security applications: two on demand scanners mbam and SuperAntispyware