What are we going to do about Jeremy?

josh, no more group hug invitation for you >:( >:( >:(
i like my version of story better:
me: superb,marvelous, great,god, kewl…(will be updated once i find my dictionary)
josh:the one who knows karate & ballet
/LA:the one who shave his leg
Soya:cleanfreak who lost his CIS uninstaller
CGPmaster: semper fi!
kail:…he’s grumpy
Ronny: …Ronny who ???

Oh yeah, I have some doubts about myself too. O0 If I even had a chance of becoming a mod, I would much rather that I stay here for away and get all the “ruffles” worked out. :slight_smile: I wouldn’t want to be a bad example…

One good thing is that if I was a mod, I’d feel a heavy responsibility and would think very hard before talking/posting…


Note: and ganda is the crazy “thingy”


As If I care anyway! ;D


I only see advantages ;D

Oh yeah, I have some doubts about myself too.
Finally ;D Ganda, our plan worked >:-D
One good thing is that if I was a mod, I'd feel a heavy responsibility and would think very hard before talking/posting....
Well in previous posts you said you were trying that already 88) Perhaps you need to read this book ?

[quote author=

which one? :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet you have a lot more…:

Thanks. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

:frowning: Wanna blame me for all of this ? It was your idea >:(


What?! How?! When?! Where?!

My idea??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!

Last time I checked it was Josh the LOL mod ???

Anyway changing it to 3xist the cool mod 8) would better than topic locker mod.

Jeremy the Hated kind… O0

Ok everyone, I’m trying to make my second lime pie…the first was an utter disaster… Some of my fellow aliens declared that the first pie was the worst thing they tasted

, which sure made me feel good. 88)

I sure hope the next pie will taste much better!

(oh no, something smells burned… :-X)

Merry Christmas!!! :BNC (or to some, Happy Holidays 88))

Are we going to get any more Christmas presents from Comodo? (:AGL)

You already got mine :slight_smile:


Yep! ;D ;D ;D

Oh no…not again…

jk :slight_smile:

I don’t want to know…

Merry Christmas!!


No, I bet you don’t. :smiley:

Perhaps it’s better like that indeed :slight_smile:


I wish CG would get online soon…he owes me a present too. ;D

So that’s one of the others … (:NRD)


Merged to a better place :P0l
