Warcraft III Hosting

I am using Comodo CISI v. 3.9.95478.509 with the configuraton set to Proactive Security and the Firewall set to safe mode. I have been unable to host games for Warcraft III through Battlenet. I have read that WCIII requires me to setup portforwarding (ports 6112-6119) for my wireless router, which I have done. I am now trying to setup CIS to accomodate the portforwarding. I set up rules according to the post quoted below (taken from [url=http://see https://forums.comodo.com/empty-t19495.0.html]see https://forums.comodo.com/empty-t19495.0.html[/url]) except that I had to set the source port to “any” in each of the applicable rules so as to be able to connect to Battlenet.

Can someone could confirm that I have taken the correct steps and that I havn’t disabled my port protection.


1. Create the following rule in Network Security Policy - Global Rules:

Action: Allow
Protocol: TCP or UDP
Direction: In/Out

Source Address: Any
Destination Address: Any
Source Port: Port Range (6112 - 6119)
Destination Port: Port Range (6112 - 6119)

Make it the first rule in the list.

  1. In Network Security Policy - Application Rules locate the Warcraft’s executable (should be there by now) and assign the “Trusted Application” policy to it.

See if the game works. If it doesn’t, check the firewall log (Firewall - Common Tasks - View Firewall Events) to see if anything related to warcraft is being blocked.

If the game works:

  1. Switch the Warcraft’s executable to Custom Policy, create two rules for it:


Action: Allow
Protocol: TCP or UDP
Direction: In/Out

Source Address: Any
Destination Address: Any
Source Port: Port Range (6112 - 6119)
Destination Port: Port Range (6112 - 6119)


Action: Block
Protocol: IP
Direction: In/Out

Source Address: Any
Destination Address: Any
Source Port: Any
Destination Port: Any

Same procedure here: if it stopped working, check the Firewall Events to see what’s going on.

You need to open the mentioned ports in Global Rules. Do as follows:
To open the port ports 6112-6119:

Firewall → Advanced → Network Security policy → Global Rules → Add → fill in the following:
Action: Allow
Protocol: TCP or UDP
Direction: In
Description: Incoming Ports Warcraft III

Source address: Any
Destination Address: Choose MAC or Single IP address (only when it is fixed) or Host Name
Source Port: Any
Destination Port: 6112-6119

Then push Apply → Ok.

Hi EricJH

Am I correct in assuming that this rule is a modification to the first of the original rules that I quoted in my post or do I need to make an additional rule?


I had overread you had made the rule under Global Rules. However please change the source port to any for both the application rules and the global rules.

Take a look at the Global Rules and the Application Rules and make sure the rules are above the basic block rule at the bottom (the rule with the red icon). If not drag and drop the rules anywhere above the basic block rule.

I’ve followed your instructions and have done a test host. Everything is working!

I really appreciate you assistance.

Thanks a bunch.

