Want to install cfp

Hello everyone
I want to remove free za and install cfp. I have the following installed:
xp home sp2
512 mb ram
AT&T dsl
Nod 32 antivirus
Windows defender

  1. prior to removal of za, do I need to disable my interner connection and and uninstal za.
  2. do I install cfp prior to re-enabling internet connection.
  3. For # 2 above will i need the internet connection at any point of install/configuring. If so when should I
    re-connect the internet.
    From all the problems I have viewed read, I just want to have a good install.
    Thanks for any answers and help or links to these, for I may have used incorrect keywords in my search

im pretty sure you don’t need an internet connection for installing CFP (i didn’t need one). not sure about uninstalling ZA though

Welcome 1blackie65

The default CFP network rules block all incoming connections, so you can re-connect the internet after CFP is fully installed.

A good firewall should not require internet access to (un)install itself.

I have never had to disconnected my internet to install or uninstall anything. Just be sure you all of ZA is gone. There is a manual clean up procedure in there forums.

I had to because I don’t have a router’s firewall. And suppose my system is already malware-infected (it’s not BTW :-TU), I would during the period without a firewall.

Well Soy…what are you waiting for. I love my hardware firewall. Its built into my 2Wire Gateway DSL modem. (:TNG)

To completely uninstall ZA read this tutorial by Don Hoover: http://zonealarm.donhoover.net/uninstall.html . One of the dinosaurs of the ZA forums.

No thats all wrong Eric. This is what your suppose to do. I had ZAP I should know. That is an old procedure and doesn’t clean out the registry or hidden files.


Say you people, those wer fast, good replies. The information and links are right on target.
I am putting together information so that in a couple 3 days I will doo the install of cfp.
Now I need to see if I can disable the following or Have to uninstall then reinstall them:
Windows defender
SpyBot S&D
Ad-ware 2008
Also I am creating a restore point each day.
I would ask about using a reg cleaner, but it seems as if it is a no no.
Anyway Thanks to:
Valletech and EricJH

Uninstall other security software: maybe for more extreme troubleshooting situations
Disable other security during CFP installation: definitely. Safe is the way to go :-TU

90% of what I see is junk ware and anti spyware. All of those programs you listed are useless.

Windows defender
SpyBot S&D
Ad-ware 2008

Get rid of all those. I dont know what you use for an av but Avast is a good free one. Avira Premium 8 is a great paid av and you can get a free 6 months. Your on demand anti spwyare should consist of.

Malware Bytes Anti Malware
Spyware Baster

have installed cfp successfully, but gett to where it stated “new network detected” instead of just selecting #1 and clicking next ( because I really didn’t know I had a network through 2 wire dsl modem with AT&T dsl). I clicked closed. Can I change this without having to “re-unstall”. In the manual it states that if you do not sel #1 all network connections will be blocked
Also I really don’t know if I want the “safe surffing bar”, I forgot to uncheck the items.
Will wait to proceed until I get these answered

What 2Wire modem do you have? I have the 2Wire Gateway DSL modem model #2701HG. Its a modem and router all in one with a hardware firewall built. When you got the pop up about new network detected it told you that you can name it what ever you want. #1 is just standard label. I named mine DSL. The firewall should still be working for your network if you go into Firewall/My Network Zones. There you will see your eithernet adapter listed. You can uninstall the surf bar by simply going into Add/Remove Programs and uninstalling the Ask toolbar. There is a thread about it.


Hi Thanks for your info
I have 2 wire dsl home portal model 1800hg. Can I use edit to change to change #1 to “home” or some other name. Is there anything else you need to know about it.
I don’t think I will uninstall “safefurf” yet, for I stall have to try to figure out how to use it and what it is actually doing.
----I have been doing a lot of searching through different areas for answers to these and a lot of other things, but with your answer here for the above I will consider this post closed and when I determine what else I need answering I will post another question.
Vettetech, Thanks again for your knowledge and the others for theirs