WAF.comodo.com timing out

waf.comodo.com is timing out.

Please check and resolve.

hi @fatgrizzly,

Can you please let me know a bit more about what issue you’re seeing (is it on a specific sub page or when you do some specific action?)

I just ran through and can login to my account without an issue, and, was able to sign up for a new account and login as well, so some more information on what exactly you’re seeing would be very helpful!

Thank you,


The site is now fine, before it was timing out(the server didn’t respond.)

Here’s a screenshot from a friend(asked him to confirm if it was just me or if whole site was down.)

Hi @fatgrizzly

Could you please retry the url again and check

as i confirmed before,

The site is now fine, before it was timing out(the server didn’t respond.)