
hello comodo forum,

i had green faces until----
recently i tried a 30 day trial from u-verse, u-verse a product by att–my dsl service provider.
they supplied a router, the way it was set i had to use the tcp/ip setting obtain setting automatically in my network connections in w xpsp2. the 30 days is up and now i am back to my old router.

i have static ips, set the portforwarding on azureus to az1 -tcp 6881, az2-tcp 49999, az3 udp-49999.
well i get yellow faces (tracker ok, connected to peers, no remote connection, nat problem)
i went into comodo and did the following:
firewall–>advanced–>network security policy–>application rules:
allow, tcp or udo, in/out, source add-any, dest add-any, source port-any, dest port-single port-49999.

global rules: azure–allow, tcp or udo, in/out, source add-any, dest add-any, source port-any, dest port-single port-49999.

i moved azureus.exe to the top of the application names.

still yellow,

i did some reading and someone mentioned that a 4226 error might be a problem.
i checked and i do have a 4226 error in my event viewer. i got the patch and ran it.

but i still ahve the 4226 error and also yellow faces.

that is about as much as i know about this, i do not know how to proceed from here.


First of all I think your making this all too complicated. What kind of router do you have? Have you configured your routers hardware firewall? A hardware firewall is your best line of defense. I have a hardware firewall on my 2Wire DSL modem so I only use Comodo for the HIPS and outbound protection. You shouldnt need all these special settings your making up. Have your tried doing a Compete uninstall and reinstall of Comodo and let it relearn everything? If your router is port forwarded then you dont need Comodo port forwarded. Just make that program trusted. This is what I do with uTorrent. Seems to me like your doing twice the work.