Volume icon and WMP not working!

Hi everyone!

This is my first post.

I’ve only just installed comodo firewall from zone alarm pro because ZAP was making my system start up too slow…I figured Comodo firewall had enough functions to keep my computer safe in any case. But since I installed Comodo firewall, the volume icon in the tasktray does not load from start up and also WMP will not start at all… when I click on a media file or the wmp icon, nothing happens. I uninstalled comodo and they work again…i’d really like to use comodo and i know that this problem isnt occuring for most people so some advice would be appreciated!

thank you for reading this!

Can ANYONE help me please??

I think I’ll just go back to ZAP in a few days if this doesn’t get resolved. (:SAD)

Hi monkeychip
Sorry nobodys answered yet but this is really a strange one. I can’t reproduce the problem on my system. WMP works and I just loaded the volume icon for a test (normally don’t use it) and it loaded. It’s funny a firewall blocking the volume control loading.
There are some issues regarding the uninstall of zone alarm and I’m wondering if maybe there’s some sort of conflict with the remnants of za, or something to do with the startup sequence. I’m really at a bit of a loss.
There is a thread here somewhere re za uninstall but at the moment I can’t find it. I’ll keep looking, in the meantime maybe someone else has an idea.

Don’t give up yet. still thinking :THNK

hey, thanks for replying! Much appreciated! It’s nice to know that my problem isn’t being ignored. I will try to do go through the ZAP uninstall procedures again to make sure everything is cleared cos I do really like Comodo - it’s faster, the UI is better and I really like the traffic % it gives you. very useful. Thanks again.


After you try the ZAP uninstall, if WMP still does not work, I would recommend an uninstall then re-install. You can do this by going to Add/Remove programs and then Add/Remove Windows Components.


When installing serious software like a firewall, it’s best to disable other running real-time securities to avoid potential conflicts or unforseen issues.


Here’s a thread regarding install of comodo. The steps set out by Soya is involved but would, in my opinion, give a trouble free installation.


Here is a post on another forum regarding manual uninstall of za


Let us know how you go