vkise.exe trying to call home

Does vkise.exe needs internet access? If I block it in firewall, will it cause any problems?

You’ll probably lose the protection of Internet Security Essentials - see here: Comodo Internet Security Essentials - Introduction, Network Security, SSL Certificate

I’d like to know why this component landed in update to version 10 in first place - why user is not asked for installation of additional stuff?

It’s a seperate component so if you don’t want its protection, you can uninstall it through Programme and features > Add / Change Applications in Control Panel

It may well be a choice in future releases - I don’t know

It should be, definitely.

And yes, I don’t find this feature useful - moreover, I find somehow suspicious fact that it was dumped without asking users. The reason isn’t important. That doesn’t show company, devs in a good light.

Maybe Comodo isn’t aware but we’re already beyond times when software was bloated with unnecessary features like Nero Burning ROM had.

I’m getting a little sick of Comodo installing their bloat-■■■■ behind my back without telling me. Not a good way to do business if you want to retain customers.