virus total tested

i scanned my pc with cis.

cis did not found any virus. i was sure that there is 1 file in my pc having malware but cis did not found it.

i tried to upload that file in virus total and virustotal detected that file as malware.

why cis is not able to find malware?

i was using avast 5.0 before. avast showing me many alersts of viruses while browsing sites bcoz it got network sheild. i like comodo so i uninstall avast.

why cis not giving any alert of viruses if it comes through network.

[attachment deleted by admin]

See at my signature please and submit this file.

i uploaded that file there now.

wat is the use to upload that file there?

wat to do with that file? can i delete that file bcoz virus total detected malware so it may be dangerous to put in my pc

Your file will be analyse by Comodo staff and when there is a malware comodo will detect this after next AV update.

can i delete that file or not?

will i get any mail from them that malware was detected in that file which i uploaded.

other av has detected that as malware but comodo not detected. avast also detected it as malware.check the link.

Check PM.
I try to run this file, and when it will create other malicious files i wll send they to analysis too.


i seen pm

i tested other malware in virus total. comodo did not find other malware also. see link