Virus? Forum Login Issues

First of all I am at work because since the following issues started I cannot login to Comodo Forum from home. I can login, but when I click on ANY forum it takes me back to “guest”.

Around the end of March I got home from work and my computer was turned off. Turned it on and found I had the toolbar in my Firefox!!! I don’t do toolbars. Then after removing it I could not get online at all. Ran ComboFix and finally got online.

Wednesday (April 3) I got home from work and could not get online. Ran Avast anti-virus (found 2), and then had to run ComboFix again to get online. Ran the Symantec program to find out if I had Conficker - it said I did not. I called BrightHouse Tech and under Network Connections I had a 1394 Local Area (ethernet), a 1394 Local Area 2 (my Scientific-Atlanta modem). I had to re-enable the modem connection.

Same thing happened yesterday! Took the computer out of hibernation, and no Internet! But this time under Network Connections my 1394 modem connection was not even showing up! Did the whole routine again including running ComboFix to get online.

I ran HiJack this and did not see anything out of the ordinary. I’ve ran Avast, Spyware S&D, Ad-Aware. Nothing there.

It seems strange that just before April 1 the problems began, then on April 3 I had more problems - which are key dates with Conficker. If I still can’t stay logged in when I get home, I’ve copied some links from the Conficker posts to check again.

???Any ideas ???

Hey there,

strange, never seen something like that before. Have you tried Superantispyware or A-squared (beware of it’s FP’s !)

Good luck,


Do you use any P2P? torrent or emule…

there is a possiblity.

Conficker.C worm.

try check with NOD32 or Kaspersky.

Or conflict with asktool bar.

Thanks guys! I am pretty much up on how to deal with security issues, but I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one wondering what the heck is going on here.

Also, I do not use chat or P2P under ANY circumstances. How the toolbar ended up on my computer I have no clue.

When I get home I will try to login again and see what happens. I will post a HiJack This log as well, even if I have to put it on CD and post it at work Monday.

And I will definitely run some of the tools other than Symantec for Conficker. I’ve read that it removes traces of itself. And run a rootkit detection. ;D

If you guys think it is a good idea I can save a copy of the ComboFix logfile if I have to run it again - to show what it is correcting.

Ask toolbar…
It’s from CIS.
Read following topic please.


Creasy, thanks for that info… I HAD tried to install the buffer overflow program. But it did not install some driver and was saying it was not active, to reinstall. Guess it made it far enough to install that *#@_ toolbar though.

I’ve never used toolbars since they take up a whole line of my top browser space. The little right side one for Google is good enough for me. And I’ve never used any search engine that gave me the results I want like Google.

Okay, since last week I have had no problems getting online or logging into the forum… Until yesterday. I this time I installed iTunes 8 and then could not get online.

My 1394 Net Adapter and LAN Connection (modem) were active and connected. So was the 1394 Linksys Ethernet connection which is the one I keep having to disable. Once disabled I have no problems.

Also, just before I got knocked offine Microsoft disabled something call a Sub Spooler, and I got DNS error type messages.

Here is my ComboFix log:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Does uninstalling iTunes help to get internet back working again?

Yes, and then running ComboFix. This was iTunes 8, but I’ve ran iTunes 7 previously with no major issues. I’m mainly confused why every several days I have Internet issues. Its been awhile since I’ve had issues like this.

Right now I am running SUPERAntiSpyware as suggesed by the Forum. Then I will run the other suggested programs. I thought for sure that I had Conficker, but that don’t seem to be the case.

What does it mean when Windows closes a Sub Spooler application?

I guess, stick with iTunes 7 until iTunes 8 irons out its bugs.

“What does it mean when Windows closes a Sub Spooler application” . Did you print something shortly before you got his message?

In case of doubt it never hurts to let a number of scanners run. I would also like to recommend the trial version of Spy Sweeper.

Try malware bytes antimalware… may be one solution, or if you don’t have high critical data, just format and reinstall os…

EricJH, this is kinda random. But I have been able to go into Network Connections and repair/enable/etc. and get going.

I am about to think that since this is an older computer (2002-2004) that maybe my BIOS is just about to go. But I’ll keep an eye on it for sure. I can usually manage to recover from MBR viruses, but sometimes its the simple things that boggle me…

Forget about my advice for Spy Sweeper on 3.8. They bite at each other and is fixed in 3.9 beta.

When repair/enable of the network connection is working then there may be something other at hand. When you loose network connection what is the IP address your NIC has?

Eric, actually earlier this evening I thought I had the problem again. But I did not.

My co-worker give me her laptop to remove viruses (another post which I need help in). I DID NOT connect hers to mine in any way, alternated between the two. When I went to connect mine again, I hooked up the wrong cable. Blonde monent ;D ;D ;D ;D

I’ve ran everything that was suggested in the sticky note in this forum. I live by HiJack This and ComboFix when all else fails.

I just think that some programs need more memory than I have (256mb, even though my processor is 1.4gb), like iTunes 8. Within the year I will upgrade to a newer computer.

I kinda want to start with a full tower, use my two 80gb drives, maybe add a third drive in the TB range. I don’t do any online gaming - I like MajJong or Mystery (find hidden objects) games. I guess I’m old school.

I will bumble through this, as it seems SOOO random. Thank you SOOO much for all your help. And if nothing else I at least know where the ■■■■ toolbar came from (thanks Creasy)

I have incidentally pushed a USB plug in a firewire port. They can be hard to distinguish on laptop it seems. At least to me.

Another useful tool for obnoxious network problems is Winsockfix. Sometimes a program messes up the Windows socket and then Winsockfix may help you out.

As to the fact the connection goes away randomly please check hardware is functioning properly as well. VIA ethernet chips have a habit of dying prematurely for example. Also make sure the wiring (read plugs) is ok.

I’ve been okay for a pretty much a week now. I’m on my second laptop - virus removal for friends! Seems like my friends have NO CLUE how to prevent viruses. So I take care of it for $25 a pop.

And thanks to COMODO I know the tools to do it. I just wish they were computer literate enough to use Comodo. Comodo Firewall is an EXCELLENT program, but the popups will daunt (or mess-up) someone who has no clue about in/out - and my friends don’t have a clue.

EricJH, thank you so very much for being helpful and a sounding board. I remember Toggie as being very helpful. I see he has not been online for months - is he still around?