Virus Doctor/Virus Melt

I have recently been infected with a spyware that was installed unadmittedly by my little brother. I have searched symantec and other online solution, deleted all known files and registry keys but i still dont think its all gone, any way to check?..i have comodo installed with malware bytes and norton internet security which has recently run out of subscription.(1 or 2 days)

Use free versions of SUPERAntispyware and MalwareBytes. Run full scans and you’ll find most of the piecies.
If you find stuff like Vundo, FakeAlert, or Trojan.(insert name here), run Dr.Web CureIt just to be safe.
It might be even easier to just download the latest SmitfraudFix. It should take stuff like that out very quickly. Just disable your AV or it’ll probably detect it as a hacktool or something.

Please follow this guide


Hi McDaid1916
If you still have the infection, you can try this How to remove Virus Melt (Uninstall Guide) - Spyware and Malware Removal Guides Archive

Thanks guys, when i get back to the house ill try those out. Another problem which i think is caused by the same program is that after i search in Google and the results show up, i click on the link and it always redirects to another site, some times its ■■■■■■■■■■■ sites. I know some spyware work off cookies and past visted web pages but as far as i know no one in our house visits porn sites, i would be the admin of the home computer. Anyway ill try and see if these ideas get rid of the problem but if this doesnt do it, does any one know what it might be?

Well, i’ve a thought (a real good one) and you should be able to fix it if you follow the guide I gave you :wink:
