virus check scam

While I was visiting a site, a window suddenly opened saying my computer was being attacked, and a window popped up seemingly showing my computer areas being scanned. Then a box quickly popped up and appeared to be downloading something. I recognized this as something dangerous, and clicked the window closed before the downloading was complete. I am now worried that I let a trojan in despite this. I was dismayed too because I have a firewall and check for updates on security every day when I start my computer.

Scan with MBAM to make sure your PC is clean. Reputation of the sites you have visited, you can check on You can also install WOT on your browser(s). From what you described, you faced fake AV.

  1. What is your Anti Virus?
  2. Do you have Comodo firewall?
  3. If the answer to question 2 is no, what firewall are you using?
    Download Emsisoft Emergency Kit (or Emsisoft AntiMalware, which will turn into a limited version after 30 days if not bought, from the same site) and extract it (I would recommend extracting it to a usb so you can access it easily) then run a2emergencykit.exe and click scan.

urlvoid says the site is clean but i still did get the fake av by clicking on one of the image links on the site

i ran updated mbam and it found nothing

thanks for telling me about urlvoid

I bought my computer 2 months ago new, and several trojans have been detected and removed. I am paranoid now, so I run comodo, avast, and malwarebytes at different times. i use windows firewall on my older computer and zone alarm on my new one. I tried installing update to comodo but my computer had a terrible lockup and I couldn’t use it for days. I am paranoid and not very tech savvy.

Was that with the Emsisoft Emergency kit?
