Virtual kiosk

virtkiosk not working.I can only see it in task manager and the interface is not starting up to changing my desktop and i cannot start any of the browsers in it ex:comodo dragon ice dragon ie firefox chrome opera

I have already sent it comodo tickets and still nothing

(:AGY) (:AGY) (:AGY)



Please try reinstalling CIS by following the advice I give in this topic.

If the problem continues even after removing any remnants with the removal tools referenced in the topic please let me know and we’ll see if we can identify the problem.


From the information you have given I am not clear whether this is a bug/issue.

For the moment I will transfer you to help so you can work through this issue with users and mods in this forum and hopefully resolve it. I hope that is OK.

Please ask any mod to move this report back to the bugs forum if it becomes clear that it is a bug/issue.

Best wishes


I have the same problem on one laptop, not on another. Both run Win7 x64. Reinstalling makes no difference. Virtkiosk.exe causes APPCRASH. Sfc /scannow did not work. Have found references that this is known to happen on some computers. No solutions found yet. Soon I’ll give Geek Buddy a try.

Did you try reinstalling by following the methods I suggest in this topic?

Almost fixed. Used msconfig to do clean boot EXCEPT FOR Comodo services (no startup programs enabled). Manually started CIS then Virtual Kiosk, SUCCESS. Will start to reenable items to determine the culprit and post.
Thank you Chiron for the CIS install guide.

EDIT: The culprit is Lenovo OneKey Recovery [SHOULD READ LENOVO ONEKEY THEATRE]
I will check for an update.
When disabled from the Startup tab in msconfig all is well (after a reboot).

Do you mean that if that is enabled Virtual Kiosk cannot open?

If so it would be very helpful if you could create a bug report for this in this section of the forum. Be sure to use the format provided in this post.

Thank you.

That is correct. When Lenovo OneKey Recovery [EDIT: SHOULD READ LENOVO ONEKEY THEATER] is enabled through msconfig Startup tab neither Virtual Kiosk nor sandboxed browsers (through the widget) function. A Windows Appcrash error appears. I will endeavor to fill out a bug report soon. My apologies for the delay.

EDIT: Recently tried reinstalling OneKey Theatre on Lenovo Y580 (this laptop has a dedicated key for it). When installed IE stopped functioning as well as Ccleaner (if launched from the taskbar shortcut). There are newer versions of OneKey Theatre which may resolve the issue, but I am not in a hurry to find out.