Sorry if this is already answered. I did try to search this in the forums but couldn’t find it anywhere. I am using Comodo Firewall and haven’t had issues, and am grateful that Comodo is giving such a fantastic product free. Wherever I read about Comodo Firewall I come across statements like “Application Recognition Database - recognizes over 10000 applications and determines their security risks.”. What I want to know is 1) is there someplace to see what these over 10000 applications we are talking about. 2) Is there a way to query this database and get some sort of info on the product and why Comodo thinks it is safe. 3) Is there a way to say globally use the database, but make exceptions on a per case scenario. Meaning accept whatever Comodo feels safe, but if I am not comfortable with application xxxxx, let it behave like any non white listed application. 4) Disable the use of the whitelist altogether.
Appreciate this program very much, and hope somebody will respond to this.
No, there is no public list of the whitelist.
The Whitelist is only made by the staff of comodo.
And if you think for some reason you don’t trust the whitelist… You can use “Paranoid Mode” This will treat EVERY application as unknown, Regardless if it’s in the whitelist or not.
Thats the fastest response I have got on any forum. And it does answer almost all my questions. Although if possible I would appreciate an online database and atleast be able to query the whitelisted applications.(Looks like I am asking too much). Let me end this post with a smiley (L). Thanks guys.!!
If the whitelist was viewable to you and me it would also be viewable by malware. If it was viewable by malware, it could possibly be compromised. Therefore Comodo have made the decision to make it non-viewable. It’s purely a security measure to ensure the integrity of the firewall.