I was surfing the comodo website and I got my eye on the position of the ComodoEasy VPN. I was interested and very curious so I downloaded the 32bit version and installed it in Windows 7.
I really am not familiar about it or any other VPN service but a friend said that I can(should) use a VPN service if ever I will be doing on-line banking. I have not started using online banking yet as I prefer to go personally to the ban to do whatever transaction I wish.
On that particular topic, how can ComodoEasy VPN help me be protected durng online banking?
When Windows 7 finishes it’s boot into Windows, it searches for networks. I connect manually to the intenet via dial-up or wireless dsl. I have successfully registered and confirmed the account previously then I restarted the pc. I see an "Identifying…“no network access” in the taskbar>Network sharing Center in additon to the connections that I have. Why does Windows 7 says that it’s Identifying…even if I have successfully signed-in?
How can I connect to my bank or any bank per se under the protection of CEV? Or, I am getting it wrong? Can you teach me or give me examples please…(sorry very newbie here)
Can I use CEV to surf the net with the static IP it gave me? Will ComodoEasy VPN hide my IP? I see that I have a static IP given by the ComodoEasy VPN in the gui. But my connection say via dial-up for instance does not reflect the IP given by CEV.
Is my question feasible or CEV is not intended to do that?
Normal surfing, say, visiting websites like Comodo forums or any other forums or blogs…how may use CEV on that?
If I can do that, how may I do it?
I feel my questions seems to be elementary or confusing but I really do not know how to use CEV. BUT, I want to learn using CEV especially now that online banking is getting to be an everyday routine here in my place.
I hope you guys will understand me on this an d I hope to learn more from you about using CEV.
Thank you very much.