when and what will be improved or new in the version 5?im just asking,cause im curious:)
To be honest? I’m the author, and even I don’t know yet … it’s not going to happen until somewhere down towards the end of the year - after losing the old “why are we writing code for so many versions of windows?” code, we can concentrate on “smaller, faster, better” for XP and Vista and release a “final” 4.xx version for the OLD stuff which we will continue to maintain updates for, as long as that remains possible. That’s the PLAN, not the law. (grin)
Here’s some of what we have in mind though since I’m going to be working with a bunch of our analysts and internal coders now that we’re turning to what will be the first COMODO build of BOClean … but nothing is set in stone as yet OTHER THAN ensuring that what everyone’s expected of BOClean for the past ten years remains true:
At THIS point in time, the major interest is “internationalisation” of the GUI, and losing the memory-intensive support of OS’s no longer used, as well as the old legacy “NT stuff” which depended on the older PSAPI libraries. By concentrating ONLY on XP and Vista, we can then use the latest WMI monitoring, and just about everything moves to the kernel driver except for the screens. Beyond that, as far as anyone can tell, BOClean will be smaller, faster and not much different.
There’s NO plans to build a “scanner” … that’s what the AV is for, and we’ll be going to a much more compact database and a few other internal features … my guys have wanted us to be able to do a bunch of things differently, but we haven’t decided on any of those technical details as yet …
But as far as most folks are concerned, it’ll be (as far as anyone can tell) the same old BOClean, and we’ll look at some of the “wish-list” items so long as they don’t bog anything down or do unnecessary things. I s’pose the biggest difference is that it MIGHT be called “COMODO AntiMalware” with only a passing reference to BOClean, but even THAT isn’t set in stone yet … now that 4.27 is considered solid, I can now turn to the “final” which will probably be 4.30 or something ending in a zero for a change, and then once I take a vacation at the end of the month, get onto working out the details of a 5 version … any guessing at this point though is premature, I’m in my “listening” stage right now with emphasis on what our Analysts see as coming needs, mechanisms to provide better updates, language support, and a prettier GUI perhaps once we can use the “new windows features” that XP and later brought along … we were TRAPPED in the 4.xx design in not being able to do anything that Win95 or Win 3.11 couldn’t handle …
For the moment though, OFFICIALLY? I dunno either! =)
For the moment though, OFFICIALLY? I dunno either! =)haha ...
thx for the information Kevin, good luck with finalizing so you can get the deserved vacantion :).
(CNY) (CLY) (B)
Internationalisation means BOClean will have Language Support as well Kev told me they aim for a release at the end of the year, but indeed, nothing is sure yet
Greetz, Red.