Version conflicts with BitDefender 2008

Yesterday i installed a fresh clean Windows XP SP2 ,installed drivers installed antivirus-BitDefender 2008 and firewall Comodo Firewall i always do).From the first restart after installing the firewall the anoying BD switch hanging(that happens with BD 2008 with BO Clean also) reapeared.This does not happen with any other Comodo 3 previous version.This does not happen when with the same the Defence + module is off.Because of this issue i had to revert to 3.0.14 or 3.0.15 to continue to use the Defence+ which on those versions was ok and helped me to stop a keylogger.Installation of latest SP3 for Windows XP did not solved the problem.
Another issue, is the conflict of Defence+ from this 3.0.16 with Windows updates utility(that with the previous version doesnt appear) because it seems to block some updates happening, this rendering errors at first reboot after aplying updates.
Another issue is with Comodo Firewall 3.0.16 and Comodo Memory Firewall 2 and BD 2008,refusing to restart right after the instalation or update of Comodo Memory Firewall 2(from the installer menu) means a hard reset after 20 seconds.This doesnt happen with previous versions.
Another bug unsolved and already stated in an older post of mine(but this one has a fix in restarting the computer) is with the aplication rules.As an example when making a rule for lets say screamer radio with allow -ticking apply then remaking the rule with block then ticking apply then repeating the steps more will render the firewall in using a rule at random only a computer restart solving the madness and forcing the use of the latest updated rule.
I like the Comodo 3 concept but try to make it more robust to much random things at this moment and the latest version doesnt convince me to let the auto update option on.

Note:The incompatibilities made me switch from Outpost Firewall to Comodo but you go in same direction.
The Firewall versions I use are on 32 Bits.