I still get the message “The network firewall is not functioning properly”, and the diagnostic shows no error …

My Comodo Updated faultlessly on WinXP SP2.

The program that launches programs is Explorer.exe
Try Delete all rules you have for it in Defense+
When CPF asks about it again tell it use it as a Trusted application.


I noticed the following: I turn off the firewall using the toolbar icon. XP notifies me that I may be at risk because my firewall is turned off. BUT when I then open Comodo and check the Summary page, the System Status button is green and the accompanying message says all systems are active and running. This seems misleading and incorrect. Or am I misunderstanding something?



I’m still relatively new to CFP3 but my take on the summary screen is that it is broken in to three parts:

1- System = Services and other mystical files (hope I never see a problem here)

2- Network Defense = Firewall. When I change the state of the firewall with the tray icon it is reflected in “The Firewall security is set to……”

3- Proactive Defense = Defense +. The same here with regard to it’s state. “The Defense + security level is set to……”

Both 2 & 3 reflect real time status so I would assume that 1 does also.


I too am still quite new to CFP, but having setup my ports, and IP’s today using the Help pages on here with regards uTorrent, and wireless router, I have just downloaded the latest version of CFP, but before I install, I would like to know how to back up all my settings in CFP, and import them into the new version when I have installed it.?

Can anyone help.?

Many thanks


I have figured it out. Just hope I can import them again now. Just about to install new version.

Scratch that. Unable to export. Says make sure I have the rights to do so.!

I believe that you have to be logged in from an administrative account.


Have you tried turning UAC off to do the export/import? Seems to be a bug that affects many Vista users.

Cheers for that Mike, appreciated.

Thanks for your reply once more sded, its appreciated you take the time to try and help me. The stage Im at now is trying to turn off UAC, and then try again to export my config, then re-enable UAC. I know its probably an easy task for many, but having my OS in Finnish makes things more difficult for me being English, and only just started learning the language. I won’t make any changing to this OS unless i’m 100% sure I know what im doing you see, hence my plea for help on this matter.

All help greatly appreciated


To turn UAC on and off, go to control panel/user accounts and there is an option there to do it directly.

Thanks, will give it a try, however, my OS is in Finnish, and my Finnish is not that great yet lol.

Wish me luck.!

I have a dual boot system with Windows XP and Vista. Comodo Firewall Pro is running on Vista.

I had the version and have downloaded

Installing the new version over the old version was not running. Uninstall the old version and new install the new version was also not running. The firewall kernel was not to uninstall, computer freezes.

After restart COMODO diagnostic runs and relieves all problems (say it!).

After the next restart I had a blue screen:
NDIS.SYS - Address 8291102F base at 828F8000 Datestamp 4549b2fd”.

Vistas Systemrepair cannot find a failure, a System Recovery Point is not existing, because XP erases all System Recovery Points in Vista.

What can I do before I must erase my Vista partition?

Can you boot in safe mode?

If so, you may try to delete files: cmdagent.exe (COMODO Firewall Pro Helper Service), cmdhlp.sys (COMODO Firewall Pro Helper Driver), inspect.sys (COMODO Firewall Pro Firewall Driver) and guard32.dll (at least i have this dll on X86 machine).

BTW, can anyone please tell what for this dll (guard32.dll)?

Thanks for your hints!

I can not boot in safe mode, every blue screen.

But I can access from my XP partition on the Vista partition.

I have deleted the files you say:

  • 2x cmdagent.exe 532kB
  • 1x cmdhlp.sys 24kB
  • 2x inspect.sys 65kB
  • 1x guard32.dll 136kB.

The result: none, blue screen stays!

What should bring deleting files?

I assumed that Comodo drivers that load at startup may be the reason of BSOD. Thus, deleting them would solve the problem. Now we know, i was wrong. Sorry.

Small update on my above post. All sorted successfully.

Thanks for all help given in this thread.!

The new version works nice but when i boot my computer with XP PRO SP2, the icon of Comodo 3 isn’t showing up.
I wonder if i’m still protected or not.
I checked the options and the option of “Automatically start” is enabled by the way, but the icon isn’t showing up.
When i start manually Comodo 3 from Desktop shortcut, the icon shows up and there is no error reported.

Try running the Diagnostics from the Miscellaneous section.


The diagnostic did not find any problem.

I tried older versions and they were really heavy for my system (turion 1,8Ghz , 1gb ram). I was just wondering is this hte newest one also so Heavy?

I had had also so many random errors /freezes so I doubt if it is good solution… (I had fresh win xp installation).