VE missing from Launch Pads applications list


I installed CAVS on a new system today and when I run LaunchPad, it doesn’t list Verification Engine under the available applications.

ewen :slight_smile:

Hi Ewen,

VE isn’t integrated into CLP but it is under the New Services and Offers list. I believe that they will integrate VE with the launch pad soon.

Actually it’s not there either… Is that what you were referring too Ewen?

I see it in mine… ::slight_smile:

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Hi Panick,
at the moment if you don’t have VE installed on your system, it will be shown under “New Services & Offers” otherwise it won’t show at all.
In case you don’t have VE installed and “New Services & Offers” section lists down other products but not VE, we can look more into that, please let us know.

All I was saying was if you do have VE installed, it doesn’t show up in the “Installed Applications” list at the top of the CLP window, where the other installed Comodo products appear. I’ve tested this on two PCs and its repeatable.

Ewen :slight_smile:

It’s the same on mine. But, I think this is how it is supposed to be.


Hmmmm? whan is a Comodo installed app NOT a Comodo installed app? When it’s VE, apparently.

No worries, just wanted to make sure something wasn’t screwy.

Ah… now that I’ve actually checked the CLP since installing VE… now I see what you were driving at :wink: