VE still not functioning in IE8

Installation stated I am running a version if IE it does not support. I am using IE8.0.6001.18372 (x32).
Also, after installation, testing does not display the green border (default configuration).
Windows Vista Ultimate x64 SP1

Hi John.
Could you please give me a screenshot of C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\VEngine folder.
Kind regards,

Here are the requested screenshots. Please note this issue is also true with (the version the shots are of).

[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi John.
Can you open Tools->Internet Options → Programs-> Manage Add-ons
and see if VerificationEngine is enabled.
Kind regards,
Vadym Volyansky.

Yes it is.

Can you please try to open https URL, like

ans see if validation border appears.
If not, please run regedit, export
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ComodoGroup\Esigil registry key and give it to me please.

I usually test with Comodo’s site, but tested at the site you suggested (just so I can say it was tested there).
Attached is the key requested.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi John.
Thanks for the regkey given. It’s completely correct so I still don’t know why VE doesn’t work on your system.
Is there any chance you can try VE on FF?
Kind regards,

I don’t use FF, (personally) never liked it.

That’s what I thought. :slight_smile:
Can you run this command on your PC. Maybe that will help:
regsvr32.exe “C:\Program Files\Comodo\VEngine\VEngineIE32.dll”

VEngine is located in c:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo
Ran command (elevated) successfully.
Opened a browser window. Still do not get the green border on sites that used to display it.

Should I have to reboot for the command to take effect?

Reboot is not needed. Browser restarting is enough.